For a few days now, I have tried a number of methods that are supposed
to provide the a(k) and b(k) coefficients for a Fourier series. These
methods are listed at the end of this post (in Java). However, not
one of these methods seems to provide the correct coefficients for the
following function;
f(x) = 2 - 2 * cos(x)
....I never see a '-2' or '2' in the resulting generated arrays. I get
a(0) = 4 which is correct, but there is no sign of a(1) anywhere (when
the expression is changed to f(x) = 2 - 2 * sin(x), things seem to
Does someone have an algorithm that works for the above? I have tried
all the Google searches (the source of the methods below), but to no
avail. Please post some example code either in Java or C++ as all the
'try searching for ...' suggestions seen in other postings have been
fruitless. In the meanwhile, perhaps the stuff below will be of use to
============ Method 1 ===================
public static void computeFFT(double ar[], double ai[])
if (ar.length != ai.length)
System.err.println("array dimensions must match");
else if (!isPowerOfTwo(ar.length))
System.err.println("array dimensions must be multiple of 2");
computeFFT(1, ar.length, ar, ai);
if (ai[0] > EPSI)
System.err.println("imaginary part of constant not zero");
public static void computeFFT(int sign, int n, double ar[], double
double scale = 2.0 / (double) n;
int i, j;
for (i = j = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (j >= i)
double tempr = ar[j] * scale;
double tempi = ai[j] * scale;
ar[j] = ar * scale;
ai[j] = ai * scale;
ar = tempr;
ai = tempi;
int m = n / 2;
while ((m >= 1) && (j >= m))
j -= m;
m /= 2;
j += m;
int mmax, istep;
for (mmax = 1, istep = 2 * mmax;
mmax < n;
mmax = istep, istep = 2 * mmax)
double delta = sign * Math.PI / (double) mmax;
for (int m = 0; m < mmax; ++m)
double w = m * delta;
double wr = Math.cos(w);
double wi = Math.sin(w);
for (i = m; i < n; i += istep)
j = i + mmax;
double tr = wr * ar[j] - wi * ai[j];
double ti = wr * ai[j] + wi * ar[j];
ar[j] = ar - tr;
ai[j] = ai - ti;
ar += tr;
ai += ti;
mmax = istep;
============= Methd 2 =================
public static double[][] fft_1d(double[][] array)
double u_r, u_i, w_r, w_i, t_r, t_i;
int ln, nv2, k, l, le, le1, j, ip, i, n;
n = array.length;
ln = (int) (Math.log((double) n) / Math.log(2) + 0.5);
nv2 = n / 2;
j = 1;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (i < j)
t_r = array[i - 1][0];
t_i = array[i - 1][1];
array[i - 1][0] = array[j - 1][0];
array[i - 1][1] = array[j - 1][1];
array[j - 1][0] = t_r;
array[j - 1][1] = t_i;
k = nv2;
while (k < j)
j = j - k;
k = k / 2;
j = j + k;
for (l = 1; l <= ln; l++) /* loops thru stages */
le = (int) (Math.exp((double) l * Math.log(2)) + 0.5);
le1 = le / 2;
u_r = 1.0;
u_i = 0.0;
w_r = Math.cos(Math.PI / (double) le1);
w_i = -Math.sin(Math.PI / (double) le1);
for (j = 1;
j <= le1;
j++) /* loops thru 1/2 twiddle values per stage */
for (i = j;
i <= n;
i += le) /* loops thru points per 1/2 twiddle */
ip = i + le1;
t_r = array[ip - 1][0] * u_r - u_i * array[ip - 1][1];
t_i = array[ip - 1][1] * u_r + u_i * array[ip - 1][0];
array[ip - 1][0] = array[i - 1][0] - t_r;
array[ip - 1][1] = array[i - 1][1] - t_i;
array[i - 1][0] = array[i - 1][0] + t_r;
array[i - 1][1] = array[i - 1][1] + t_i;
t_r = u_r * w_r - w_i * u_i;
u_i = w_r * u_i + w_i * u_r;
u_r = t_r;
return array;
============ Method 3 =================
public static void fft(double[][] array)
double u_r, u_i, w_r, w_i, t_r, t_i;
int ln, nv2, k, l, le, le1, j, ip, i, n;
n = array.length;
ln = (int) (Math.log((double) n) / Math.log(2) + 0.5);
nv2 = n / 2;
j = 1;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (i < j)
t_r = array[i - 1][0];
t_i = array[i - 1][1];
array[i - 1][0] = array[j - 1][0];
array[i - 1][1] = array[j - 1][1];
array[j - 1][0] = t_r;
array[j - 1][1] = t_i;
k = nv2;
while (k < j)
j = j - k;
k = k / 2;
j = j + k;
/* loops thru stages */
for (l = 1; l <= ln; l++)
le = (int) (Math.exp((double) l * Math.log(2)) + 0.5);
le1 = le / 2;
u_r = 1.0;
u_i = 0.0;
w_r = Math.cos(Math.PI / (double) le1);
w_i = -Math.sin(Math.PI / (double) le1);
/* loops thru 1/2 twiddle values per stage */
for (j = 1; j <= le1; j++)
/* loops thru points per 1/2 twiddle */
for (i = j; i <= n; i += le)
ip = i + le1;
t_r = array[ip - 1][0] * u_r - u_i * array[ip - 1][1];
t_i = array[ip - 1][1] * u_r + u_i * array[ip - 1][0];
array[ip - 1][0] = array[i - 1][0] - t_r;
array[ip - 1][1] = array[i - 1][1] - t_i;
array[i - 1][0] = array[i - 1][0] + t_r;
array[i - 1][1] = array[i - 1][1] + t_i;
t_r = u_r * w_r - w_i * u_i;
u_i = w_r * u_i + w_i * u_r;
u_r = t_r;
=============== Method 4 ================
public static void newCompute(int sign, int n, double ar[], double
double scale = 2.0 / (double) n;
int i, j;
for (i = j = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (j >= i)
double tempr = ar[j] * scale;
double tempi = ai[j] * scale;
ar[j] = ar * scale;
ai[j] = ai * scale;
ar = tempr;
ai = tempi;
int m = n / 2;
while ((m >= 1) && (j >= m))
j -= m;
m /= 2;
j += m;
int mmax, istep;
for (mmax = 1, istep = 2 * mmax;
mmax < n;
mmax = istep, istep = 2 * mmax)
double delta = sign * Math.PI / (double) mmax;
for (int m = 0; m < mmax; ++m)
double w = m * delta;
double wr = Math.cos(w);
double wi = Math.sin(w);
for (i = m; i < n; i += istep)
j = i + mmax;
double tr = wr * ar[j] - wi * ai[j];
double ti = wr * ai[j] + wi * ar[j];
ar[j] = ar - tr;
ai[j] = ai - ti;
ar += tr;
ai += ti;
mmax = istep;
============= Method 5 ==============
public static void otherCompute(int sign, int n, double ar[], double
double scale = 2.0 / (double) n;
int i, j;
for (i = j = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (j >= i)
double tempr = ar[j] * scale;
double tempi = ai[j] * scale;
ar[j] = ar * scale;
ai[j] = ai * scale;
ar = tempr;
ai = tempi;
int m = n / 2;
while ((m >= 1) && (j >= m))
j -= m;
m /= 2;
j += m;
int mmax, istep;
for (mmax = 1, istep = 2 * mmax;
mmax < n;
mmax = istep, istep = 2 * mmax)
double delta = sign * Math.PI / (double) mmax;
for (int m = 0; m < mmax; ++m)
double w = m * delta;
double wr = Math.cos(w);
double wi = Math.sin(w);
for (i = m; i < n; i += istep)
j = i + mmax;
double tr = wr * ar[j] - wi * ai[j];
double ti = wr * ai[j] + wi * ar[j];
ar[j] = ar - tr;
ai[j] = ai - ti;
ar += tr;
ai += ti;
mmax = istep;
=============== Method 6 ==================
public static Ret fourn(
double x_re[],
double x_im[],
int nn[],
int ndim,
int isign)
Ret ret = new Ret();
float[] data = new float[2 * nn[0]];
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * nn[0]; i = i + 2)
if (i < 2 * x_re.length && i < 2 * x_im.length)
data = (float) x_re[i / 2];
data[i + 1] = (float) x_im[i / 2];
data = 0;
data[i + 1] = 0;
//Replaces data by its ndim-dimensional discreate Fourier transform,
//if isign is input as 1. nn[0..ndim-1] is an integer array
//the lengths of each dimension (number of complex values), which
//MUST all be power of 2. "data" is a real array of length twice
//product of these lengths, in which the data are stored as in a
//multidimensional complex array: real and imaginary parts of each
//element are in consecutive locations, and the right most index of
//the array inreases most rapidly as one proceeds along data. For a
//two-dimensionalbe array, this is equivalent to storing the array
//rows. If isign is input as -1, data is replaced by its inverse
//transform times the product of the lengths of all dimensions.
int idim;
int i1, i2, i3, i2rev, i3rev, ip1, ip2, ip3, ifp1, ifp2;
int ibit, k1, k2, n, nprev, nrem, ntot;
float tempr, tempi;
//Double precision for the trigonometric recurrences
double wtemp, wr, wpr, wpi, wi, theta;
//Compute total number of complex values
for (ntot = 1, idim = 0; idim < ndim; idim++)
ntot *= nn[idim];
nprev = 1;
for (idim = ndim - 1; idim >= 0; idim--)
n = nn[idim];
nrem = ntot / (n * nprev);
ip1 = nprev << 1;
ip2 = ip1 * n;
ip3 = ip2 * nrem;
i2rev = 1;
//This is the bit-reversal section of the routine.
for (i2 = 1; i2 <= ip2; i2 += ip1)
if (i2 < i2rev)
for (i1 = i2; i1 <= i2 + ip1 - 2; i1 += 2)
for (i3 = i1; i3 <= ip3; i3 += ip2)
i3rev = i2rev + i3 - i2;
float temp = data[i3 - 1];
data[i3 - 1] = data[i3rev - 1];
data[i3rev - 1] = temp;
temp = data[i3];
data[i3] = data[i3rev];
data[i3rev] = temp;
ibit = ip2 >>> 1;
while (ibit >= ip1 && i2rev > ibit)
i2rev -= ibit;
ibit >>>= 1;
i2rev += ibit;
//Here begins the Danielson-Lanczos section of the routine.
ifp1 = ip1;
while (ifp1 < ip2)
ifp2 = ifp1 << 1;
// Initialized for the trig. recurrence
theta = isign * 6.28318530717959 / (ifp2 / ip1);
wtemp = Math.sin(0.5 * theta);
wpr = -2.0 * wtemp * wtemp;
wpi = Math.sin(theta);
wr = 1.0;
wi = 0.0;
for (i3 = 1; i3 <= ifp1; i3 += ip1)
for (i1 = i3; i1 <= i3 + ip1 - 2; i1 += 2)
for (i2 = i1; i2 <= ip3; i2 += ifp2)
//Danielson-Lanczos formula:
k1 = i2;
k2 = k1 + ifp1;
tempr =
(float) wr * data[k2
- 1]
- (float) wi * data[k2];
tempi =
(float) wr * data[k2]
+ (float) wi * data[k2
- 1];
data[k2 - 1] = data[k1 - 1] - tempr;
data[k2] = data[k1] - tempi;
data[k1 - 1] += tempr;
data[k1] += tempi;
//Trigonometric recurrence
wr = (wtemp = wr) * wpr - wi * wpi + wr;
wi = wi * wpr + wtemp * wpi + wi;
ifp1 = ifp2;
nprev *= n;
ret.x_re = new double[data.length / 2];
ret.x_im = new double[data.length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i = i + 2)
ret.x_re[i / 2] = data;
ret.x_im[i / 2] = data[i + 1];
return ret;
===== Class Ret (used above) ======
public class Ret
public double[] x_re;
public double[] x_im;
For a few days now, I have tried a number of methods that are supposed
to provide the a(k) and b(k) coefficients for a Fourier series. These
methods are listed at the end of this post (in Java). However, not
one of these methods seems to provide the correct coefficients for the
following function;
f(x) = 2 - 2 * cos(x)
....I never see a '-2' or '2' in the resulting generated arrays. I get
a(0) = 4 which is correct, but there is no sign of a(1) anywhere (when
the expression is changed to f(x) = 2 - 2 * sin(x), things seem to
Does someone have an algorithm that works for the above? I have tried
all the Google searches (the source of the methods below), but to no
avail. Please post some example code either in Java or C++ as all the
'try searching for ...' suggestions seen in other postings have been
fruitless. In the meanwhile, perhaps the stuff below will be of use to
============ Method 1 ===================
public static void computeFFT(double ar[], double ai[])
if (ar.length != ai.length)
System.err.println("array dimensions must match");
else if (!isPowerOfTwo(ar.length))
System.err.println("array dimensions must be multiple of 2");
computeFFT(1, ar.length, ar, ai);
if (ai[0] > EPSI)
System.err.println("imaginary part of constant not zero");
public static void computeFFT(int sign, int n, double ar[], double
double scale = 2.0 / (double) n;
int i, j;
for (i = j = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (j >= i)
double tempr = ar[j] * scale;
double tempi = ai[j] * scale;
ar[j] = ar * scale;
ai[j] = ai * scale;
ar = tempr;
ai = tempi;
int m = n / 2;
while ((m >= 1) && (j >= m))
j -= m;
m /= 2;
j += m;
int mmax, istep;
for (mmax = 1, istep = 2 * mmax;
mmax < n;
mmax = istep, istep = 2 * mmax)
double delta = sign * Math.PI / (double) mmax;
for (int m = 0; m < mmax; ++m)
double w = m * delta;
double wr = Math.cos(w);
double wi = Math.sin(w);
for (i = m; i < n; i += istep)
j = i + mmax;
double tr = wr * ar[j] - wi * ai[j];
double ti = wr * ai[j] + wi * ar[j];
ar[j] = ar - tr;
ai[j] = ai - ti;
ar += tr;
ai += ti;
mmax = istep;
============= Methd 2 =================
public static double[][] fft_1d(double[][] array)
double u_r, u_i, w_r, w_i, t_r, t_i;
int ln, nv2, k, l, le, le1, j, ip, i, n;
n = array.length;
ln = (int) (Math.log((double) n) / Math.log(2) + 0.5);
nv2 = n / 2;
j = 1;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (i < j)
t_r = array[i - 1][0];
t_i = array[i - 1][1];
array[i - 1][0] = array[j - 1][0];
array[i - 1][1] = array[j - 1][1];
array[j - 1][0] = t_r;
array[j - 1][1] = t_i;
k = nv2;
while (k < j)
j = j - k;
k = k / 2;
j = j + k;
for (l = 1; l <= ln; l++) /* loops thru stages */
le = (int) (Math.exp((double) l * Math.log(2)) + 0.5);
le1 = le / 2;
u_r = 1.0;
u_i = 0.0;
w_r = Math.cos(Math.PI / (double) le1);
w_i = -Math.sin(Math.PI / (double) le1);
for (j = 1;
j <= le1;
j++) /* loops thru 1/2 twiddle values per stage */
for (i = j;
i <= n;
i += le) /* loops thru points per 1/2 twiddle */
ip = i + le1;
t_r = array[ip - 1][0] * u_r - u_i * array[ip - 1][1];
t_i = array[ip - 1][1] * u_r + u_i * array[ip - 1][0];
array[ip - 1][0] = array[i - 1][0] - t_r;
array[ip - 1][1] = array[i - 1][1] - t_i;
array[i - 1][0] = array[i - 1][0] + t_r;
array[i - 1][1] = array[i - 1][1] + t_i;
t_r = u_r * w_r - w_i * u_i;
u_i = w_r * u_i + w_i * u_r;
u_r = t_r;
return array;
============ Method 3 =================
public static void fft(double[][] array)
double u_r, u_i, w_r, w_i, t_r, t_i;
int ln, nv2, k, l, le, le1, j, ip, i, n;
n = array.length;
ln = (int) (Math.log((double) n) / Math.log(2) + 0.5);
nv2 = n / 2;
j = 1;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (i < j)
t_r = array[i - 1][0];
t_i = array[i - 1][1];
array[i - 1][0] = array[j - 1][0];
array[i - 1][1] = array[j - 1][1];
array[j - 1][0] = t_r;
array[j - 1][1] = t_i;
k = nv2;
while (k < j)
j = j - k;
k = k / 2;
j = j + k;
/* loops thru stages */
for (l = 1; l <= ln; l++)
le = (int) (Math.exp((double) l * Math.log(2)) + 0.5);
le1 = le / 2;
u_r = 1.0;
u_i = 0.0;
w_r = Math.cos(Math.PI / (double) le1);
w_i = -Math.sin(Math.PI / (double) le1);
/* loops thru 1/2 twiddle values per stage */
for (j = 1; j <= le1; j++)
/* loops thru points per 1/2 twiddle */
for (i = j; i <= n; i += le)
ip = i + le1;
t_r = array[ip - 1][0] * u_r - u_i * array[ip - 1][1];
t_i = array[ip - 1][1] * u_r + u_i * array[ip - 1][0];
array[ip - 1][0] = array[i - 1][0] - t_r;
array[ip - 1][1] = array[i - 1][1] - t_i;
array[i - 1][0] = array[i - 1][0] + t_r;
array[i - 1][1] = array[i - 1][1] + t_i;
t_r = u_r * w_r - w_i * u_i;
u_i = w_r * u_i + w_i * u_r;
u_r = t_r;
=============== Method 4 ================
public static void newCompute(int sign, int n, double ar[], double
double scale = 2.0 / (double) n;
int i, j;
for (i = j = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (j >= i)
double tempr = ar[j] * scale;
double tempi = ai[j] * scale;
ar[j] = ar * scale;
ai[j] = ai * scale;
ar = tempr;
ai = tempi;
int m = n / 2;
while ((m >= 1) && (j >= m))
j -= m;
m /= 2;
j += m;
int mmax, istep;
for (mmax = 1, istep = 2 * mmax;
mmax < n;
mmax = istep, istep = 2 * mmax)
double delta = sign * Math.PI / (double) mmax;
for (int m = 0; m < mmax; ++m)
double w = m * delta;
double wr = Math.cos(w);
double wi = Math.sin(w);
for (i = m; i < n; i += istep)
j = i + mmax;
double tr = wr * ar[j] - wi * ai[j];
double ti = wr * ai[j] + wi * ar[j];
ar[j] = ar - tr;
ai[j] = ai - ti;
ar += tr;
ai += ti;
mmax = istep;
============= Method 5 ==============
public static void otherCompute(int sign, int n, double ar[], double
double scale = 2.0 / (double) n;
int i, j;
for (i = j = 0; i < n; ++i)
if (j >= i)
double tempr = ar[j] * scale;
double tempi = ai[j] * scale;
ar[j] = ar * scale;
ai[j] = ai * scale;
ar = tempr;
ai = tempi;
int m = n / 2;
while ((m >= 1) && (j >= m))
j -= m;
m /= 2;
j += m;
int mmax, istep;
for (mmax = 1, istep = 2 * mmax;
mmax < n;
mmax = istep, istep = 2 * mmax)
double delta = sign * Math.PI / (double) mmax;
for (int m = 0; m < mmax; ++m)
double w = m * delta;
double wr = Math.cos(w);
double wi = Math.sin(w);
for (i = m; i < n; i += istep)
j = i + mmax;
double tr = wr * ar[j] - wi * ai[j];
double ti = wr * ai[j] + wi * ar[j];
ar[j] = ar - tr;
ai[j] = ai - ti;
ar += tr;
ai += ti;
mmax = istep;
=============== Method 6 ==================
public static Ret fourn(
double x_re[],
double x_im[],
int nn[],
int ndim,
int isign)
Ret ret = new Ret();
float[] data = new float[2 * nn[0]];
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * nn[0]; i = i + 2)
if (i < 2 * x_re.length && i < 2 * x_im.length)
data = (float) x_re[i / 2];
data[i + 1] = (float) x_im[i / 2];
data = 0;
data[i + 1] = 0;
//Replaces data by its ndim-dimensional discreate Fourier transform,
//if isign is input as 1. nn[0..ndim-1] is an integer array
//the lengths of each dimension (number of complex values), which
//MUST all be power of 2. "data" is a real array of length twice
//product of these lengths, in which the data are stored as in a
//multidimensional complex array: real and imaginary parts of each
//element are in consecutive locations, and the right most index of
//the array inreases most rapidly as one proceeds along data. For a
//two-dimensionalbe array, this is equivalent to storing the array
//rows. If isign is input as -1, data is replaced by its inverse
//transform times the product of the lengths of all dimensions.
int idim;
int i1, i2, i3, i2rev, i3rev, ip1, ip2, ip3, ifp1, ifp2;
int ibit, k1, k2, n, nprev, nrem, ntot;
float tempr, tempi;
//Double precision for the trigonometric recurrences
double wtemp, wr, wpr, wpi, wi, theta;
//Compute total number of complex values
for (ntot = 1, idim = 0; idim < ndim; idim++)
ntot *= nn[idim];
nprev = 1;
for (idim = ndim - 1; idim >= 0; idim--)
n = nn[idim];
nrem = ntot / (n * nprev);
ip1 = nprev << 1;
ip2 = ip1 * n;
ip3 = ip2 * nrem;
i2rev = 1;
//This is the bit-reversal section of the routine.
for (i2 = 1; i2 <= ip2; i2 += ip1)
if (i2 < i2rev)
for (i1 = i2; i1 <= i2 + ip1 - 2; i1 += 2)
for (i3 = i1; i3 <= ip3; i3 += ip2)
i3rev = i2rev + i3 - i2;
float temp = data[i3 - 1];
data[i3 - 1] = data[i3rev - 1];
data[i3rev - 1] = temp;
temp = data[i3];
data[i3] = data[i3rev];
data[i3rev] = temp;
ibit = ip2 >>> 1;
while (ibit >= ip1 && i2rev > ibit)
i2rev -= ibit;
ibit >>>= 1;
i2rev += ibit;
//Here begins the Danielson-Lanczos section of the routine.
ifp1 = ip1;
while (ifp1 < ip2)
ifp2 = ifp1 << 1;
// Initialized for the trig. recurrence
theta = isign * 6.28318530717959 / (ifp2 / ip1);
wtemp = Math.sin(0.5 * theta);
wpr = -2.0 * wtemp * wtemp;
wpi = Math.sin(theta);
wr = 1.0;
wi = 0.0;
for (i3 = 1; i3 <= ifp1; i3 += ip1)
for (i1 = i3; i1 <= i3 + ip1 - 2; i1 += 2)
for (i2 = i1; i2 <= ip3; i2 += ifp2)
//Danielson-Lanczos formula:
k1 = i2;
k2 = k1 + ifp1;
tempr =
(float) wr * data[k2
- 1]
- (float) wi * data[k2];
tempi =
(float) wr * data[k2]
+ (float) wi * data[k2
- 1];
data[k2 - 1] = data[k1 - 1] - tempr;
data[k2] = data[k1] - tempi;
data[k1 - 1] += tempr;
data[k1] += tempi;
//Trigonometric recurrence
wr = (wtemp = wr) * wpr - wi * wpi + wr;
wi = wi * wpr + wtemp * wpi + wi;
ifp1 = ifp2;
nprev *= n;
ret.x_re = new double[data.length / 2];
ret.x_im = new double[data.length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i = i + 2)
ret.x_re[i / 2] = data;
ret.x_im[i / 2] = data[i + 1];
return ret;
===== Class Ret (used above) ======
public class Ret
public double[] x_re;
public double[] x_im;