Meinrad Recheis
[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]
Dear list,
Have you got something to add to foxGUIb?
I am still maintaining foxGUIb but as I haven't had personal need for it in
the last years I did not add or change much. The download rate on rubyforge
and the number of hits on the FAQ page (
http://www.eqqon.com/index.php/FoxGUIb/FAQ) suggest that the tool has a "not
so small" number of users. Therefore, for me, discontinuing the project is
not an option. However, because of lack of enthusiasm and time I have not
baked another release in two years so I think it is about time to do
I am going to release version 1.0 soon. You can help.
* Have you made any useful changes to your personal copy of foxguib? If so,
please send in a patch.
* Have you played around with foxguib and (accidentally) made a small
example of useage? I have been asked for more examples, so please send yours
* Are you a rubygems expert and have a couple of hours to put together a
foxGUIb gem?
* More ideas?
I hope there is some echo and if so I will gladly incorporate your input in
the foxguib 1.0 release.
-- Henon
Dear list,
Have you got something to add to foxGUIb?
I am still maintaining foxGUIb but as I haven't had personal need for it in
the last years I did not add or change much. The download rate on rubyforge
and the number of hits on the FAQ page (
http://www.eqqon.com/index.php/FoxGUIb/FAQ) suggest that the tool has a "not
so small" number of users. Therefore, for me, discontinuing the project is
not an option. However, because of lack of enthusiasm and time I have not
baked another release in two years so I think it is about time to do
I am going to release version 1.0 soon. You can help.
* Have you made any useful changes to your personal copy of foxguib? If so,
please send in a patch.
* Have you played around with foxguib and (accidentally) made a small
example of useage? I have been asked for more examples, so please send yours
* Are you a rubygems expert and have a couple of hours to put together a
foxGUIb gem?
* More ideas?
I hope there is some echo and if so I will gladly incorporate your input in
the foxguib 1.0 release.
-- Henon