Free Python IDE ?



I'm looking for a tool that I can use to "step through" python software
(debugging environment). Is there a good FREE one (or one which is
excellent and moderately priced ) ?

Caleb Hattingh

Hi Ernesto

SPE, or Stani's python editor is actually a decent IDE that can lauch
the winpdb debugger to step through code, with side windows for locals,
and watches and so on. It's not exactly integrated debugging a la
Delphi, but in general my need for debugging is much less with python;
the few times I have needed debugging, SPE did the job well.

I also like that SPE automatically checks my code with tabnanny and
pychecker. That way I don't have to do anything extra to use these

Oh, and SPE is free.

Keep well

Colin J. Williams

Ernesto said:
I'm looking for a tool that I can use to "step through" python software
(debugging environment). Is there a good FREE one (or one which is
excellent and moderately priced ) ?

If you are using Windows then you migt consider PyScripter.

Colin W.

Jarek Zgoda

Ernesto napisa³(a):
I'm looking for a tool that I can use to "step through" python software
(debugging environment). Is there a good FREE one (or one which is
excellent and moderately priced ) ?

Good free: PyDev for Eclipse.
Good moderately priced: Komodo.

But from my long experience with Python, you rarely need a debugger,
since most of time your program will work as expected, if you had good
algorithm. Treat it as a language feature - you don't need to debug good
algorithms in Python. ;)

Joel Hedlund

Ernesto said:
I'm looking for a tool that I can use to "step through" python software
(debugging environment). Is there a good FREE one (or one which is
excellent and moderately priced ) ?

Try searching this newsgroup for "python ide", "editor" and such and you'll get
plenty of good advice. This topic is discussed about once every week or so.


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