Hi! I am new on the group and join in as i am in bad need of help in C
programming.I'm a fresher and got to tackle the basics of C in the next
few months,so i wonder if anyone on that group could 1) give me the
address of some site offering free C compilers,etc on downloads since i
got lost in searching 2)some good resources about C programming, codes,
how to built functions ... in fact anything that someone starting up
programming in C would need given he doesn't a thing about programming
programming.I'm a fresher and got to tackle the basics of C in the next
few months,so i wonder if anyone on that group could 1) give me the
address of some site offering free C compilers,etc on downloads since i
got lost in searching 2)some good resources about C programming, codes,
how to built functions ... in fact anything that someone starting up
programming in C would need given he doesn't a thing about programming