I'm looking for software to create a simple GUI to execute python code
for users in the office.
A literal interpretation of "GUI to execute python code" would lead
one to assume that the users will be writing ad-hoc statements...
The GUI would need a couple text boxes for user input and some option
buttons and check boxes.
This, however, implies that you want the Python code to create a
limited GUI for some application...
Can anyone recommend free software that doesn't require a huge learning
HTML and a mini-server -- CherryPy/CherryTemplate perhaps...
You might even be able to launch the browser from within the
CherryPy "server" such that the user doesn't even realize there is a
"server" running on their machine (might need a timed inactivity
shutdown -- or a scheme to detect a running version and shutdown the new
one after relaunching the browser)... Assuming you intend the code to be
run locally -- you didn't give enough details as to what the job itself
is (transcribing telephone service requests into a database? Run the
"server" continuously on a dedicated port and just give the users the
My python skills are probably a 3 or 4 on a scale from 1 to 10.
I must be in a different universe... I started with Python 1.3 (or
1.4?) on an Amiga (thanks Irmen)... In that time, I've written exactly
ONE program that needed a GUI -- and that one was done using the
"standard" Tkinter library. The closest other was an internal Zope
experiment feeding to MySQL.
My first program was an MTA using a mix of ARexx (to take mail from
the MUA and stuff it into a queue directory) and Python (to handle the
SMTP transfer to my ISP) -- since the first programs I had for the
function were very problematic (the first created message clones for
each recipient, and sent them one at a time to the recipient's address
-- and would hang if any address couldn't be processed; the second
didn't hang, but also didn't process CC or BCC addresses).