Mark Toth
I have used the following code:
a1 = "+"
a2 = "*"
@searchstring = params[:searching].gsub(" ", "* +")
@results = Product.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM products WHERE MATCH
(name,sku) AGAINST ('"+a1+@searchstring+a2+"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) order by
name desc LIMIT 0,50;")
It works, BUT not for numbers. Any idea why it coesn´t work for numbers?
If I have example: "this is 34" in the database. It works fine "this
is", but as soon as I enter the "34" it shows no results.
a1 = "+"
a2 = "*"
@searchstring = params[:searching].gsub(" ", "* +")
@results = Product.find_by_sql("SELECT * FROM products WHERE MATCH
(name,sku) AGAINST ('"+a1+@searchstring+a2+"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) order by
name desc LIMIT 0,50;")
It works, BUT not for numbers. Any idea why it coesn´t work for numbers?
If I have example: "this is 34" in the database. It works fine "this
is", but as soon as I enter the "34" it shows no results.