George Kinley
Just wondering, when we use function "split" it returns a list ,
now is this possible to, directly access any index of a that list with out
initializing to a list variable
for example ,
@L=split (/\./,$S)
we get @L=("wins","kit")
return @L[0]
what I want is some thing like
@{splits(/\./,$S)}[0] # is it possible :-o)
Just wondering, when we use function "split" it returns a list ,
now is this possible to, directly access any index of a that list with out
initializing to a list variable
for example ,
@L=split (/\./,$S)
we get @L=("wins","kit")
return @L[0]
what I want is some thing like
@{splits(/\./,$S)}[0] # is it possible :-o)