function that removes the punctuation and some characters like (*&^%$#@!<>?"} from a text string



Hi All;

I'm trying to create an ASP function called CleanX that removes the
punctuation and some characters like (*&^%$#@!<>?"}|{..) from a text

I came up with this but It doesn't look like it's working.

Can anyone help please.

Function CleanX(strString)

yTemp = strString
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"*","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"!","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"""","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"£","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"$","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"%","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"^","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"&","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"(","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,")","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"_","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"-","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"=","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"+","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"#","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"~","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"[","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"{","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"]","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"}","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,";","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,":","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"@","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"'","-")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"<","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,",","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,">","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,".","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"?","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"/","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"\","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"|","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"¬","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"`","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"é","e")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"è","e")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"à","a")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"ï","i")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"ê","e")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"â","a")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"ô","o")
strString = yTemp
End Function

Tom B

Your last line should be CleanX=yTemp
You may want to look into Regular Expressions, as it may be easier and


You may want to look into Regular Expressions, as it may be easier and


I'm not sure I got that right.
What do you mean by regular expressions? Also where do you want me to put
the CleanX=yTemp ?

Thanks a lot.

Tom B said:
Your last line should be CleanX=yTemp
You may want to look into Regular Expressions, as it may be easier and

Beznas said:
Hi All;

I'm trying to create an ASP function called CleanX that removes the
punctuation and some characters like (*&^%$#@!<>?"}|{..) from a text

I came up with this but It doesn't look like it's working.

Can anyone help please.

Function CleanX(strString)

yTemp = strString
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"*","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"!","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"""","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"£","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"$","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"%","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"^","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"&","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"(","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,")","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"_","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"-","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"=","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"+","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"#","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"~","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"[","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"{","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"]","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"}","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,";","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,":","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"@","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"'","-")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"<","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,",","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,">","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,".","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"?","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"/","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"\","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"|","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"¬","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"`","")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"é","e")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"è","e")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"à","a")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"ï","i")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"ê","e")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"â","a")
yTemp = replace(yTemp,"ô","o")
strString = yTemp
End Function


Function CleanString(strData)
strData = Trim(strData)
lngLength = Len(strData)
If lngLength > 0 Then
Dim aryResult()
Redim aryResult(lngLength - 1)
For intCount = 1 To lngLength
intItem = Asc(Mid(strData,intCount,1))
If intItem = 32 Or intItem >= 48 And intItem <= 57 Or intItem >= 65 And
intItem <= 90 Or intItem >= 97 And intItem <= 122 Then
aryResult(intCount - 1) = Chr(intItem)
End If
CleanString = Trim(Join(aryResult,""))
End If
End Function
Response.Write CleanString("123 ABC abc ^&%")


invariable unerring alien


Beznas wrote on 10 sep 2003 in microsoft.public.inetserver.asp.general:
What do you mean by regular expressions?

Function CleanX(strString)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "[^a-z0-9 ]+"
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
CleanX = regEx.Replace(strString, "")
End Function

response.write CleanX("123 @@()z{}ABC abc ^&%")


Thank you Everjan; dlbjr for your help.

Both your functions work great Except that I wasn't clear on my question.

Actually I'm trying to parse some text retrived from a database to an XML
file. XML doesn't like French characters such as:


So I'm trying to replace those characters with their relatives in Standard
English Characters LCID 1036 such as:


So I think we need 2 arrays of characters: The ones that should be replaced
and the replacements.
The function should look for any of those characters and replace it with its
relative in English.

Also remove *!£$%^&()_-=+#~[{]};:mad:<,>.?/\|¬`

I tried removing éèàïêâô without replacing and the output came out

Thank You all for your help.
I love you.

Evertjan. said:
Beznas wrote on 10 sep 2003 in microsoft.public.inetserver.asp.general:
What do you mean by regular expressions?

Function CleanX(strString)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "[^a-z0-9 ]+"
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
CleanX = regEx.Replace(strString, "")
End Function

response.write CleanX("123 @@()z{}ABC abc ^&%")


Beznas wrote on 10 sep 2003 in microsoft.public.inetserver.asp.general:
Actually I'm trying to parse some text retrived from a database to an
XML file. XML doesn't like French characters such as:


So I'm trying to replace those characters with their relatives in
Standard English Characters LCID 1036 such as:


Function CleanX(strString)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "[^a-z0-9 ]+"
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
CleanX = regEx.Replace(strString, "")
End Function

function deleteaccents(text)
text = CleanX(text)

olds = "éèàïêâôÉÈÀÏÊÂÔ"
news = "eeaieaoEEAIEAO"

for i=1 to len(text)
n = instr(olds,c)
if n>0 then c=mid(news,n,1)
t = t & c
deleteaccents = t
end function

response.write deleteaccents("éèàïêâôÉÈÀÏÊÂÔ")


Thanks Evertjan but the output of deleteaccents is blank!!!!!!!!
Try it. Any ideas??

Function CleanX(strString)
Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Pattern = "[^a-z0-9 ]+"
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.Global = True
CleanX = regEx.Replace(strString, "")
End Function

function deleteaccents(text)
text = CleanX(text)

olds = "éèàïêâôÉÈÀÏÊÂÔ"
news = "eeaieaoEEAIEAO"

for i=1 to len(text)
n = instr(olds,c)
if n>0 then c=mid(news,n,1)
t = t & c
deleteaccents = t
end function
response.write deleteaccents("éèàïêâôÉÈÀÏÊÂÔ")

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