> Possibly of use in some heavily resource limited context, but I see
> no real purpose for that size of value.
Indeed. Think CDC Cyber where the generation number of a permanent file
was at most 999. My comment was tongue-in-cheek. If you are not
resource limited, use the clearest way to express what you want.
> I resurrected and
> published that technique to handle bin-dec conversion of bignums,
> where long drawn out divisions and modulos can be somewhat time and
> memory consuming.
Yes, and in those circumstances shifts are also somewhat time and
memory consuming. I have written (back in the eighties) some of such
routines for a primality proving package (that should work for numbers
up to about 300 decimal digits). Reading in and printing out such
numbers is about the most insignificant part of the program, and I
did it quite naturally. If you are using bignums it makes no sense
to spend time to print a lot of the numbers you generate. Nobody will
ever read your output.