FXRuby table and color questions


Leslie Viljoen

Hi people!

Does the Fox toolkit support partial transparency? None of the
documentation I read mentions it
explicitly, but there's this page here:
http://www.fxruby.org/doc/ch03s05.html showing (at the bottom) the
really ugly
results of binary-mask type transparency.

Also, is it possible to give different background colours to each cell
in a FXTable? The documentation seems to
skirt past this issue with a setCellColor function which only provides
for global shading of every second row/col.
Maybe I am missing something obvious?

Lyle Johnson

Does the Fox toolkit support partial transparency?

Not as far as I know.

When you assign an icon image to a widget (usually a label or button),
FOX will honor any regions identified as fully transparent in the
image. For PNGs, it uses the alpha channel to identify regions where
alpha is zero; for other image types it can guess the transparent
color or you can specify it explicitly.
Also, is it possible to give different background colours to each cell
in a FXTable? The documentation seems to
skirt past this issue with a setCellColor function which only provides
for global shading of every second row/col.
Maybe I am missing something obvious?

You aren't missing anything. All you can achieve with the table, short
of maybe subclassing it and overriding the drawing behavior, is set
alternating cell colors.

Leslie Viljoen

Not as far as I know.

When you assign an icon image to a widget (usually a label or button),
FOX will honor any regions identified as fully transparent in the
image. For PNGs, it uses the alpha channel to identify regions where
alpha is zero; for other image types it can guess the transparent
color or you can specify it explicitly.

You aren't missing anything. All you can achieve with the table, short
of maybe subclassing it and overriding the drawing behavior, is set
alternating cell colors.

Ok, thanks!
It's kinda maddening how the docs for setCellColor don't say: "by the
way, directly
controlling cell background color is impossible"!

BTW: when I first tried Fox a few years back I dismissed it because I got a few
segmentation faults when I tried simple things, but I have been able
to do some really
nice forms in the last couple of days with it. Thanks for all your
efforts with FXRuby!

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