2008/2/16 said:
Robert said:
I run this on ruby-1.8.6 (Linux and cygwin [WinXP]).
Why memory used by ruby process grow?
Is that normal behaviour ?
I wrote the same progam on python and perl and I have discover that that
this problem occur only in ruby.
Well, concluding from the postings not all versions of Ruby on all
platforms suffer this phenomenon. As far as I can see so far you have
proven that
(1) on cygwin on Windows XP and on Linux
(2) Ruby version 1.8.6
(3) will allocate and free memory in a way that
(4) the OS shows continuous increasing size of used memory
(5) for a particular program, namely one that allocates memory at a high rate.
Whether that's a bug or not is probably really a question for ruby
core. There might be multiple causes for this observed behavior
including but not limited to Ruby's GC.
Kind regards