Ok, I am trying to use gem install after not having touched it for a
while. I am trying to list remote gems, using:
Problem is... this is taking an ETERNITY to do so and memory
consumption while getting the index skyrockets (90Mb+), making my
machine swap (*yikes*). I've already started the process twice and
given up on it.
This is on Windows, if it is of any interest, using ruby1.9 from couple
of months ago. Gems version reports to be:
Is something screwed up on my 1.9 setup or the index of rubygems is
really wacko (I noticed one of the todo things listed in the rubygems
website is to improve index building, but... it cannot be this bad, can
while. I am trying to list remote gems, using:
Updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.orggem list -r
Problem is... this is taking an ETERNITY to do so and memory
consumption while getting the index skyrockets (90Mb+), making my
machine swap (*yikes*). I've already started the process twice and
given up on it.
This is on Windows, if it is of any interest, using ruby1.9 from couple
of months ago. Gems version reports to be:
0.8.1gem -v
Is something screwed up on my 1.9 setup or the index of rubygems is
really wacko (I noticed one of the todo things listed in the rubygems
website is to improve index building, but... it cannot be this bad, can