Michael Ressler said:
Another example of thinking things differently is suppose you have a
vector where the values are randomly positive or negative. Suppose for
reasons known only to you, you want to replace the negative values
with the sqrt of their absolute values. With Numeric, no loops are
from Numeric import *
a=array([1.,2.,-3.,4.,-5.,6.,-7.,-8.,9.]) # make up an array
idx=nonzero(a<0) # indexes of the negative values
sqrs=sqrt(abs(take(a,idx))) # get the sqrts of neg elements
put(a,idx,sqrs) # put them back into a
print a # works!
You can make the whole thing a one-liner if you want to get carried
away with it. It's too bad "nonzero" isn't called "whereis" or
something like that - it would make the idx= line more obvious.
I think I'm finally getting a handle on this. So, my thanks to
everyone who has so graciously helped me out with their suggestions.
How would you handle the above if "a" were a 2d array since "nonzero"
only works on 1d arrays? Could you have used the "nonzero" function
on a "vertical" slice of the array (from the perspective of an array
of rows and columns - a vertical slice being the data in the column)?
I'm very new at this myself (currently porting some Fortran code to
Numeric) but I believe that Numeric.putmask is your friend here:
a=Numeric.array([i*(-1)**i for i in range(20)],Numeric.Float)
array([[ 0., -1., 2., -3., 4.],
[ -5., 6., -7., 8., -9.],
[ 10., -11., 12., -13., 14.],
[-15., 16., -17., 18., -19.]])array([[0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 1, 0, 1]])array([[ 0. , 1. , 2. , 1.73205081, 4. ],
[ 2.23606798, 6. , 2.64575131, 8. , 3. ],
[ 10. , 3.31662479, 12. , 3.60555128, 14. ],
[ 3.87298335, 16. , 4.12310563, 18. , 4.35889894]])