One option would be to wrap your relevant words in a span, each with
an onClick event handler to report that the word has been clicked...
might be appropriate, might not be.
Or something ~like this ?
h1 { text-Align: center; }
text { font-size: 25px; }
window.onload= function () {
var txt= " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.",
a, e, i, d= document,
y= function (p) { return d.createElement(p) },
t= d.body.appendChild(y("h1"));
txt+= " Nullam consequat lectus sit amet enim. Proin , ipsum";
txt+= " eu tincidunt iaculis, massa enim quam, at molestie ";
txt+= "enim tellus ac dolor. Aenean tempor tortor. ";
txt+= "Vestibulum sed sem. Curabitur sed erat a nibh tristique.";
txt+= " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer elit. Etiam ";
txt+= "et pede. Morbi ullamcorper quam. Etiam faucibus, tellus";
txt+= " non mollis gravida, metus mauris posuere mauris, non augue";
txt+= " augue sit amet justo. Suspendisse leo. Proin diam turpis, ";
txt+= " non, tempus vel, ac, nibh. Suspendisse a nunc. Suspendisse";
txt+= " gravida ullamcorper dolor. Maecenas pretium sapien. Donec";
txt+= " volutpat odio ut erat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam dolor.";
txt+= txt+txt;
a= txt.split(" ");
for(i= 0; i< a.length; i++) {
(d.body.appendChild(e= y("text"))).innerHTML= a
+ " ";
e.onmouseover= function (e) {
t.innerHTML= this.textContent+" ("+e.clientX+", "+e.clientY+")";