get a single word from point(x,y)



Hi all,
I have a problem with DOM.

If I have the xy coordinates in a web page, how can I get (possibly
using Javascript) the corresponding word placed into the web page at
the given coordinates?

Thank you.


Thinking about this, there are 2 readings:

1) How do I place a word at co-ordinates (x,y) on a visual web page?

2) How do I determine which word is at co-ordinates (x,y) on a visual
web page?

Which are you asking?

It's the second.

Dan Rumney

2) How do I determine which word is at co-ordinates (x,y) on a
It's the second.

OK, well there is no way to do that using just the DOM, because of the
description I provided in my previous post.

Also, unless you're using absolute positioning, the location of a
given word will vary according to the size of the page because
paragraph's will wrap according to window width.

Without knowing why you need this functionality (i.e. how it fits in
with your application), it's hard to know what to suggest.

One option would be to wrap your relevant words in a span, each with
an onClick event handler to report that the word has been clicked...
might be appropriate, might not be.

for one possible solution


OK, well there is no way to do that using just the DOM, because of the
description I provided in my previous post.

Also, unless you're using absolute positioning, the location of a
given word will vary according to the size of the page because
paragraph's will wrap according to window width.

Without knowing why you need this functionality (i.e. how it fits in
with your application), it's hard to know what to suggest.

One option would be to wrap your relevant words in a span, each with
an onClick event handler to report that the word has been clicked...
might be appropriate, might not be.

for one possible solution

I founded a similar solution.
The function createTextRange() is used to returns a TextRange object
and moveToPoint(x,y) is a method of TextRange object that moves the
start position of the text range to the given point.

Thank You, Dan.

This is a code example (only for IE):

<TITLE>moveToPoint Example</TITLE>
function selectMe() {
var r=document.body.createTextRange();
r.moveToPoint(event.x, event.y);
<H1 id=myH1 onClick="selectMe()">Click on a word and it will


Bjoern Hoehrmann

* Dave wrote in comp.lang.javascript:
If I have the xy coordinates in a web page, how can I get (possibly
using Javascript) the corresponding word placed into the web page at
the given coordinates?

I think only Internet Explorer for Windows offers a simple solution here

var rng = document.body.createTextRange();
rng.moveToPoint(window.event.x, window.event.y);

Getting at least the element should be relatively simple using the semi-
standard document.elementFromPoint(...) method. If you put every word in
its own element that would be sufficient, otherwise narrowing it down to
the word would be a bit tricky.


Something ~like this ?

h1 { text-Align: center; }
text { font-size: 25px; }

window.onload= function () {

var txt= " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
e, d= document,
x= function (p) { return d.getElementById(p) },
y= function (p) { return d.createElement(p) },
anArray, target= d.body.appendChild(y("h1"));

txt+= " Nullam consequat lectus sit amet enim. Proin , ipsum";
txt+= " eu tincidunt iaculis, massa enim quam, at molestie ";
txt+= "enim tellus ac dolor. Aenean tempor tortor. ";
txt+= "Vestibulum sed sem. Curabitur sed erat a nibh tristique.";
txt+= " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer elit. Etiam ";
txt+= "et pede. Morbi ullamcorper quam. Etiam faucibus, tellus";
txt+= " non mollis gravida, metus mauris posuere mauris, non augue";
txt+= " augue sit amet justo. Suspendisse leo. Proin diam turpis, ";
txt+= " non, tempus vel, ac, nibh. Suspendisse a nunc. Suspendisse";
txt+= " gravida ullamcorper dolor. Maecenas pretium sapien. Donec";
txt+= " volutpat odio ut erat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam dolor.";
txt+= txt+txt;
anArray= txt.split(" ");
for(i= 0; i< anArray.length; i++) {
(d.body.appendChild(e= y("text"))).innerHTML= anArray+ " ";
e.onmouseover= function (e) {
target.innerHTML= this.textContent+" ("+e.clientX+", "+e.clientY




One option would be to wrap your relevant words in a span, each with
an onClick event handler to report that the word has been clicked...
might be appropriate, might not be.

Or something ~like this ?

h1 { text-Align: center; }
text { font-size: 25px; }

window.onload= function () {

var txt= " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing.",
a, e, i, d= document,
y= function (p) { return d.createElement(p) },
t= d.body.appendChild(y("h1"));

txt+= " Nullam consequat lectus sit amet enim. Proin , ipsum";
txt+= " eu tincidunt iaculis, massa enim quam, at molestie ";
txt+= "enim tellus ac dolor. Aenean tempor tortor. ";
txt+= "Vestibulum sed sem. Curabitur sed erat a nibh tristique.";
txt+= " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer elit. Etiam ";
txt+= "et pede. Morbi ullamcorper quam. Etiam faucibus, tellus";
txt+= " non mollis gravida, metus mauris posuere mauris, non augue";
txt+= " augue sit amet justo. Suspendisse leo. Proin diam turpis, ";
txt+= " non, tempus vel, ac, nibh. Suspendisse a nunc. Suspendisse";
txt+= " gravida ullamcorper dolor. Maecenas pretium sapien. Donec";
txt+= " volutpat odio ut erat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam dolor.";
txt+= txt+txt;
a= txt.split(" ");
for(i= 0; i< a.length; i++) {
(d.body.appendChild(e= y("text"))).innerHTML= a+ " ";
e.onmouseover= function (e) {
t.innerHTML= this.textContent+" ("+e.clientX+", "+e.clientY+")";



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