David Bear
I'm stumped. Trying to follow the docs and .. failure.
here's the args
'(e-mail address removed) -AKHAAM@prlinux+898 -CA --D2003-08-20-09:28:13.417 -Ff -Hprlinux --JTCPIP_NPF_TEST_DARS_PORTRAIT -NTCPIP_NPF_TEST_DARS_PORTRAIT --Pholdqueue -Qholdqueue -aacct -b2895 -d/var/spool/lpd/holdqueue -edfA898prlinux -fTCPIP_NPF_TEST_DARS_PORTRAIT -hprlinux -j898 -kcfA898prlinux -l66 -nKHAAM -sstatus -t2003-08-20-09:28:13.000 -w80 -x0 -y0 acct \n'
I know, they're long. sorry. they just are. and maybe thats the
here's what happens
not at all what the docs lead me to believe. Is getopt buggy?
I'm on python 2.2.2 on linux but will also be using python 2.1.3 on
David Bear
phone: 480-965-8257
fax: 480-965-9189
College of Public Programs/ASU
Wilson Hall 232
Tempe, AZ 85287-0803
"Beware the IP portfolio, everyone will be suspect of trespassing"
here's the args
'(e-mail address removed) -AKHAAM@prlinux+898 -CA --D2003-08-20-09:28:13.417 -Ff -Hprlinux --JTCPIP_NPF_TEST_DARS_PORTRAIT -NTCPIP_NPF_TEST_DARS_PORTRAIT --Pholdqueue -Qholdqueue -aacct -b2895 -d/var/spool/lpd/holdqueue -edfA898prlinux -fTCPIP_NPF_TEST_DARS_PORTRAIT -hprlinux -j898 -kcfA898prlinux -l66 -nKHAAM -sstatus -t2003-08-20-09:28:13.000 -w80 -x0 -y0 acct \n'
I know, they're long. sorry. they just are. and maybe thats the
here's what happens
'(e-mail address removed) -AKHAAM@prlinux+898 -CA --D2003-08-20-09:28:13.417 -Ff -Hprlinux --JTCPIP_NPF_TEST_DARS_PORTRAIT -NTCPIP_NPF_TEST_DARS_PORTRAIT --Pholdqueue -Qholdqueue -aacct -b2895 -d/var/spool/lpd/holdqueue -edfA898prlinux -fTCPIP_NPF_TEST_DARS_PORTRAIT -hprlinux -j898 -kcfA898prlinux -l66 -nKHAAM -sstatus -t2003-08-20-09:28:13.000 -w80 -x0 -y0 acct \n'a, b = getopt.getopt(args, 'APQn')
a []
not at all what the docs lead me to believe. Is getopt buggy?
I'm on python 2.2.2 on linux but will also be using python 2.1.3 on
David Bear
phone: 480-965-8257
fax: 480-965-9189
College of Public Programs/ASU
Wilson Hall 232
Tempe, AZ 85287-0803
"Beware the IP portfolio, everyone will be suspect of trespassing"