Gmail-based blog


Charles Comstock

Phil Tomson wrote:

It's a blog that uses your Gmail account. Seems kind of cool. Now if
there were only a Ruby version ;-)

See this is kinda silly. Whenever the ruby community finds something
cool that is written they say "gee if only that were written in ruby".
Other then having access to the libGmail or whatever the blog used to
read out the mail from gmail what is wrong with working software that
runs and has all necessary features, but is written in a different

We should ask ourselves instead (if we want to see more things like that
in ruby) what cool thing we could do that hasn't yet been done. For our
own customization we would all probably prefer code written in ruby, but
if we want to make a name for ourselves it won't be through code we find
easy to customize. It will be through code that does something amazing
that hadn't been done before, or at least not quite that way.

So that's what we should aim for, not recreating someone elses cool
inventions, but making our own that are impressive in there own right.

Anyhow, i'll jump off my soapbox now. Don't mean to offend anyone, it
just seems to be a kneejerk reaction the community often has, to
reimplement or fill a niche that is already nicely filled when we should
be finding new niches that are more difficult for some other languages.
Not that some of the community aren't but it's just kinda silly
sometimes I think, for what we wish for.

Charles Comstock

Phil Tomson

Phil Tomson wrote:

See this is kinda silly. Whenever the ruby community finds something
cool that is written they say "gee if only that were written in ruby".
Other then having access to the libGmail or whatever the blog used to
read out the mail from gmail what is wrong with working software that
runs and has all necessary features, but is written in a different

We should ask ourselves instead (if we want to see more things like that
in ruby) what cool thing we could do that hasn't yet been done. For our
own customization we would all probably prefer code written in ruby, but
if we want to make a name for ourselves it won't be through code we find
easy to customize. It will be through code that does something amazing
that hadn't been done before, or at least not quite that way.

So that's what we should aim for, not recreating someone elses cool
inventions, but making our own that are impressive in there own right.

Quite true, though in this case I don't have php installed and didn't feel
like installing it just to try this gmail-blog-thingy out. If there were a
Ruby package available, I'd try it out right away.
Anyhow, i'll jump off my soapbox now. Don't mean to offend anyone, it
just seems to be a kneejerk reaction the community often has, to
reimplement or fill a niche that is already nicely filled when we should
be finding new niches that are more difficult for some other languages.
Not that some of the community aren't but it's just kinda silly
sometimes I think, for what we wish for.

However, there are cases (and I'm not saying that this is one) where a Ruby
implementation is quite useful. What if we had never come up with our own
wikis (ruwiki, instiki), blogs (rublog, diaria, etc.), webservers
(WEBrick), etc? Sometimes (actually, most of the time) creating cool
things is an incremental,
evolutionary process as opposed to exnihilo ("from nothing", a totally new
idea). Also, sometimes it just helps Ruby adoption if we can say that some
feature is available in Ruby otherwise people can (and do) say "sure Ruby's a
very nice language, but it doesn't have (Perl|PHP|Python|Java)'s XYZ
package so I really can't make use of it in my work".


David Ross

--- Charles Comstock said:
See this is kinda silly. Whenever the ruby
community finds something
cool that is written they say "gee if only that were
written in ruby".
Other then having access to the libGmail or whatever
the blog used to
read out the mail from gmail what is wrong with
working software that
runs and has all necessary features, but is written
in a different

I can see a person wanting to write a library sure,
but not application(unless.. its not round -
development slow, buggy software, etc). Most of the
time you will see the newer programmers wanting to
port an application by language. I don't know why they
want it, but they just do. THen the development will
die and they won't ever touch it again. Oh boy.
We should ask ourselves instead (if we want to see
more things like that
in ruby) what cool thing we could do that hasn't yet
been done. For our
own customization we would all probably prefer code
written in ruby, but
if we want to make a name for ourselves it won't be
through code we find
easy to customize. It will be through code that
does something amazing
that hadn't been done before, or at least not quite
that way.

Right, there are plenty of other things to be done
here, not porting some application written in another
langauage. I think we need more applications and
science/math libraries :)
So that's what we should aim for, not recreating
someone elses cool
inventions, but making our own that are impressive
in there own right.

Many times I see it, I wonder if it is just to look
cool, OTOH we do need a ruby CMS. I was working on
something really neat, but I have to eat. Soo.. back
to money maaking with ruby shall we? ;)
Anyhow, i'll jump off my soapbox now. Don't mean to
offend anyone, it
just seems to be a kneejerk reaction the community
often has, to
reimplement or fill a niche that is already nicely
filled when we should
be finding new niches that are more difficult for
some other languages.
Not that some of the community aren't but it's
just kinda silly
sometimes I think, for what we wish for.

Your opinion is noted, and hopefully other people will
take some thought into your email than just brush it
off like some of the newer programmers will be doing.
Charles Comstock

--David Ross

Do you Yahoo!?
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.

Sascha Ebach

Hi David,
Many times I see it, I wonder if it is just to look
cool, OTOH we do need a ruby CMS. I was working on
something really neat, but I have to eat. Soo.. back
to money maaking with ruby shall we? ;)

Care to elaborate? I am working on one, too. Using Rails. But my first
version is probably not beeing released for another 2-3 months.

David Ross

I will elaborate when my site is finished :)

--David Ross

--- Sascha Ebach said:
Hi David,

Care to elaborate? I am working on one, too. Using
Rails. But my first
version is probably not beeing released for another
2-3 months.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish.

Charles Comstock

However, there are cases (and I'm not saying that this is one) where a Ruby
implementation is quite useful. What if we had never come up with our own
wikis (ruwiki, instiki), blogs (rublog, diaria, etc.), webservers
(WEBrick), etc? Sometimes (actually, most of the time) creating cool
things is an incremental,
evolutionary process as opposed to exnihilo ("from nothing", a totally new
idea). Also, sometimes it just helps Ruby adoption if we can say that some
feature is available in Ruby otherwise people can (and do) say "sure Ruby's a
very nice language, but it doesn't have (Perl|PHP|Python|Java)'s XYZ
package so I really can't make use of it in my work".

Yes but I don't think of those as reimplementations, I think of those as
someone didn't like the code base of the other project because it didn't
do feature X the way they wanted it, so they re-implemented the core the
way they saw fit in ruby and then modified from there. That is a
different issue then just reimplementing. If your reimplementing in
ruby so you can add features and modify it more easily that's different.
The problem is alot of time that is the intent, but then the new
product doesn't do everything the old product does, and your stuck with
alot of clones that don't do much and don't have alot of use beyond the

For instance, I remember a fair amount of complaining several times when
the community has done things like use a perl wiki for something
(rubyforge) or used a php CMS or whatever. The point is those products
worked, it's not a slap in the face to ruby to not use ruby code to
present ruby things, and I think sometimes that is how some seem to take
it. The only way it could be a slap is if it was construed as proof
that such an application wasn't possible in ruby. Which is rediculous
and I am sure there is a more useful way to prove it's possible other
then rewriting said product in ruby.

As far as missing features available for <insert language>'s package,
this is a mixed problem. I for one think that far too many people try
and use only one language. Each language has it's uses. I love ruby,
it's my favorite language, but there is a time and place for each
language. There are a few I particularly avoid, but I think they all
have there strengths and weaknesses. I called the missing package
problem mixed because most of the time you could figure out some way or
another to interface it if you really needed the efficiency boost. Most
of the time the people are either too lazy to switch, or equally often,
you haven't succeeded in convincing them they will be more efficient and
quick at coding by switching. If they have crusty old perl scripts
depending on some perl libraries that all works let them continue to use
them. There is no sense in rewriting code that works, even if the new
language makes you that much more efficient, your still wasting your
time because it already worked. Now if you need to modify said code and
doing so is particularly tricky and it's more efficient to rewrite in
another language then do so, but if you really depend on libraries X
then take that cost into consideration. It might make more sense to
rewrite it in that language in that case.

If you want them to switch, don't suggest they rewrite the old ones, get
them to write the new scripts in ruby.

Each language has it's coding style, and it's own tricks to do things,
but some of those tricks overlap and if you learn them in one you can
move them to another. The XML builder objects from Groovy or whatever
are an example of that, neat idea, works well here too, so port it over
it's a good library and it's small, and it will make your and other ruby
programmers lives more efficient by providing this as a native solution.
But ask yourself before you write something over again in a new
language, does the old one really not do what I need? Is it really less
work to reimplement it? Will the new version be that much better?

Everyone loves to have a favorite language, but just cause it's a
favorite doesn't mean it means the others are useless or poorly written
or whatever. It just means it's different. All too often we want to
make out a competing language or product as the evil enemy. Every
person has a style of thinking, and I think coding exhibits that style
of thinking very plainly. If you can't work in a product or language or
whatever it prolly means you have a different style of thought. That
doesn't mean there's is wrong it just means it's different. Learn from
there style, see what they get out of it, and then if it's really
necessary re-express it in your own style. But make sure it's
necessary, and not just cause you kinda didn't feel like learning
vaguely how they thought about things.

Blah, I seem to have written more then I intended, hopefully some of you
will take some of it to heart. Or maybe you won't. Anyhow,

Charles Comstock

James Britt

Phil said:
Quite true, though in this case I don't have php installed and didn't feel
like installing it just to try this gmail-blog-thingy out. If there were a
Ruby package available, I'd try it out right away.

Same here, more or less. The other side is that many "cool" apps
written in SLOTR (some language other than Ruby) do not lend themselves
to pleasant, productive hacking. Many times I've installed apps in
perl, PHP, whatever, and find it nice but lacking in some way, and want
to hack it up. But more often than not the code is a mess of terse
expressions, each geared to some quirky task.

So, if I like enough of what the SLOTR app does, I'm inclined to just
rewrite it in Ruby.

Other things never make it to my hard drive because I can see the
laundry list of dependencies and just give up from the start.
However, there are cases (and I'm not saying that this is one) where a Ruby
implementation is quite useful. What if we had never come up with our own
wikis (ruwiki, instiki), blogs (rublog, diaria, etc.), webservers
(WEBrick), etc? Sometimes (actually, most of the time) creating cool
things is an incremental,
evolutionary process as opposed to exnihilo ("from nothing", a totally new
idea). Also, sometimes it just helps Ruby adoption if we can say that some
feature is available in Ruby otherwise people can (and do) say "sure Ruby's a
very nice language, but it doesn't have (Perl|PHP|Python|Java)'s XYZ
package so I really can't make use of it in my work".

I think the best cases for having a Ruby clone are when, by virtue of
the code being in Ruby, it becomes much easer to use or extend or
configure or whatever. But if it's just a line-for-line port (or the
functional equivalent), then there is little gain.

For example, although Instiki is not my cup of tea, I can see it being a
good marketing tool for Ruby because of the ease of set up and the use
of WEBrick for the server, and of Madeleine for persistence. No messing
with Apache or CGI permissions.

These are features that are less likely to be found in SLOTR wikis.

Now, for me, I'd rather see Ruby establish itself in some new
info-ecosystem, rather than playing "me too." For example,
circumventing the bloat of J2EE in a service-oriented architecture
framework. I suspect that dynamic languages have an upper hand for
these sorts of things, so long as they don't simply mimic existing,
MVC-based architectures.

An excellent Ruby project (and please don't get on my back for
suggesting something I have no intention of contributing too; it's time,
not interest that holds me back) would be a pure-Ruby, protocol-complete
Jabber server.

And then get it added to the Ruby standard library.

Peter Saint-Andre is, I believe, in the midst of writing a Python
version. Beating him to it might be nice. :)

<quote src=''>
As anyone who subscribes to the JADMIN mailing list can tell you, the
existing server options all have issues, from difficulty of installation
to lack of documentation to missing protocols to inability to run the
existing gateways to non-Jabber IM services. As anyone who talks with
Jabber users knows, there are hundreds of Jabber clients but almost all
of them are close to useless. I chat with server admins and end users
all the time, so I hear these complaints in abundance. I'm beginning to
think that it's time to do something about it.

What's the solution? I see two critical pieces:

1. A modular, hackable, well-documented, cross-platform,
easy-to-use, protocol-compliant server.
2. A modular, hackable, well-documented, cross-platform,
easy-to-use, protocol-compliant client.

Let's go over those adjectives, shall we?

* Modular -- designed so that people can contribute to it without
having to grok the entire codebase.
* Hackable -- written in a language that lots of developers
understand and can productively code in.
* Well-documented -- including a complete architectural
description, user/admin guide, and in-depth comments in the code (see
hackability above).
* Cross-platform -- works on Linux/Unix, Windows, and Mac OS X.
* Easy-to-use -- no more difficult configuration or installation,
good user interfaces, and lots of help files.
* Protocol-compliant -- wouldn't it be cool if you could actually
make use of protocols like pubsub, XHTML, and file transfer?
* Server | Client -- Jabber is a client-server system, so we need both.


Sounds like a job for Ruby, and the idea of knowing that every Ruby app
cam be Jabber-enabled seems intriguing.


Daniel Cremer

Same here, more or less. The other side is that many "cool" apps
written in SLOTR (some language other than Ruby) do not lend themselves
to pleasant, productive hacking. Many times I've installed apps in
perl, PHP, whatever, and find it nice but lacking in some way, and want
to hack it up. But more often than not the code is a mess of terse
expressions, each geared to some quirky task.

Other things never make it to my hard drive because I can see the
laundry list of dependencies and just give up from the start.

ohhhhh yes indeed *shudders*

An excellent Ruby project (and please don't get on my back for
suggesting something I have no intention of contributing too; it's time,
not interest that holds me back) would be a pure-Ruby, protocol-complete
Jabber server.

And then get it added to the Ruby standard library.


Sounds like a job for Ruby, and the idea of knowing that every Ruby app
cam be Jabber-enabled seems intriguing.

I'd be really interested in what people can imagine as uses for jabber
in the context of their apps.? Though I'm not sure there's enough of a
case to have it in the standard library, it does indeed sound enticing.



Sounds like a job for Ruby, and the idea of knowing that every Ruby app
I'd be really interested in what people can imagine as uses for jabber
in the context of their apps.? Though I'm not sure there's enough of a
case to have it in the standard library, it does indeed sound enticing.

An easy to set up distributed computing system, like dRb but with a
nice naming layer.

Systems monitoring

Data collection

An easy way to get a CLI on a daemon

Instant notifications of site updates.

Lots o' uses, most unimagined.

I have this feeling that XMPP/Jabber is going to be Very Important as
time goes on, though, as it's got RFC numbers, and has tentacles in a
lot of protocols -- there's talk of it replacing or extending SIP, and
there's already a mapping to the SIMPLE IM protocol. There's
Atom-over-Jabber in the works, too. It's just a useful system.


Carl Youngblood

Most of the time when I want to implement something in ruby it is
because I want to write something new in ruby but make use of a module
that is available in another language but doesn't yet exist in ruby.
So I have to port the module over to ruby so that I can then write a
new app on top of it in ruby.

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