Going from Tkinter to pyQT


Alex Bryan

I had a guy on this mailing list tell me that pyQT is much better than
Tkinter, and after looking into it a bit I think he is right. However,
I can't find much on it. I want to know if there are any good books or
online tutorials that would be helpful. I doubt there is one, but if
there is one on going from Tkinter to pyQT, that would be amazing.
Well if any of you guys have any tips or suggestions on any of this I
would appreciate it.


Alex Bryan a écrit :
I had a guy on this mailing list tell me that pyQT is much better than
Tkinter, and after looking into it a bit I think he is right. However, I
can't find much on it. I want to know if there are any good books or
online tutorials that would be helpful. I doubt there is one, but if
there is one on going from Tkinter to pyQT, that would be amazing. Well
if any of you guys have any tips or suggestions on any of this I would
appreciate it.

Hi Alex,

Check Mark Summerfield's book on PyQt4 :

Other links :

Sebastian \lunar\ Wiesner

Alex Bryan said:
I had a guy on this mailing list tell me that pyQT is much better than
Tkinter, and after looking into it a bit I think he is right. However,
I can't find much on it. I want to know if there are any good books or
online tutorials that would be helpful. I doubt there is one, but if
there is one on going from Tkinter to pyQT, that would be amazing.
Well if any of you guys have any tips or suggestions on any of this I
would appreciate it.

There are some tutorials mentioned in the official python wiki [1]. Then
there is the PyQt wiki [2], which as a section dedicated to tutorials [3].
Moreover I absolutely recommend to read the reference gui from riverbank
computing [4]. At last, you should always keep the official docs at hand.
They contain plenty of good tutorials and background documents about
different Qt4 techniques, that are _definitely_ worth reading. Code
samples and API docs are of course kept in C++, but transferring these to
Python is mostly easy, the differences are not that big.

So you see, there's more than enough PyQt4 stuff out there ;)

But the most important thing to do at the transition from Tk to Qt4 goes
first, before you start digging any Qt4 specific document: Forget
everything, you learned about GUI programming with Tk. Qt4 works complety
differently! ;)

[1] http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyQt
[2] http://www.diotavelli.net/PyQtWiki
[3] http://www.diotavelli.net/PyQtWiki/Tutorials
[4] http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/static/Docs/PyQt4/pyqt4ref.html

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