good library for pdf

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Hi all,

I want to take an existing pdf and add it a non-opaque watermark.
I have tried it in postscript but postscript hava an opaque imaging model.
Pdf allows it. I can do it with acrobat 6.0, but i need to add the watermark in batch mode or inside an application.

I've found lowagie library for java.

Anyone knows if there is something similar for python??

must i begin to learn java??


Rob Cowie

Take a look at The ReportLab library includes a
graphics module that might well do what you need. I'm not sure at
present if it allows one to set alpha-channels to achieve transparency.

Also, if you have access to a mac running OS X 10.4, the Automator
application has a prebuilt action that applies a watermark to pdfs.
Transparency, size and placement are all editable. Obviously, no use if
you want to do this with Python, but it might suit your needs.

Rob C

Robin Becker

Rob said:
Take a look at The ReportLab library includes a
graphics module that might well do what you need. I'm not sure at
present if it allows one to set alpha-channels to achieve transparency.

ReportLab allows one to set a transparent image colour mask which is equivalent
to transparency. I believe this isn't yet implemented for jpeg. You can also use
an auto mask to get the transparency info from those image formats which support it.

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