The filter I've set labels and archives automatically. So at no point
of time are there any ruby-talk mails in my Inbox.
I'm sure that I'm being misunderstood now. From my first message on
this topic, I quote:
"I am using this Google email addy specifically for the Ruby ML and
nothing else."
You are advising me from the perspective of a GMail user that uses
their account for several different situations, this ML being only one
of them. Others take note, because this advice is sound for anyone
using GMail for things in addition to this ML.
It really doesn't make a difference if you auto-archive them. Try it
and see. You can always click on the label links to get to see the
labelled mails although they have been archived. And the interface
provides visualisation of which conversations have been read and which
haven't among these archived mails.
See my message quoted above. You provide sound advice for others in
your situation.
Advice for anyone using GMail purely for this ML like myself (not
directed at Gavri ;^) ): auto-archiving will add one more step in
that you will have to click on the archived folder to get to your
messages as opposed to them just being there in your Inbox when you
I guess you have not set the ruby-talk filter to autoarchive. Try it.
You lose nothing but the clutter in your Inbox.
To those using their GMail for more than this ML, this is once again
sound advice.
Another upside to using GMail as I am is the fact that I am not
intermixing any of my other interests. My GMail account is purely for
Ruby and nothing else. If I happen to have several other interests
involving MLs (which I don't), I have made the choice to keep them
separate. By keeping them separate, I also decrease the risk to
ruby-talk's ML that my email will be harvested from one of my other
interests. Thus, I avoid compromising the integrity of the ruby-talk
At the risk of repeating myself, my favorite benefit is having one
central, personally moderated repository of everything I think is
great about Ruby.