I'm having a problem getting the newvalues or oldvalues from the RowUpdating
event. I have the following code for the event(See note):
Protected Sub grdPOs_RowUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles grdPOs.RowUpdating
Dim records(e.NewValues.Count - 1) As DictionaryEntry
Dim entry As DictionaryEntry
Dim DataKeyId as DataKey
Dim Itm as New POItem
'Copy the new values into the fields
e.NewValues.CopyTo(records, 0)
'Please note, that at this point there is no values in records
For Each entry In records
e.NewValues(entry.Key) = Server.HtmlEncode(entry.Value.ToString())
DataKeyId = grdPOs.DataKeys(e.RowIndex )
Itm.POId = DataKeyId("ItemId")
Itm.CatalogNumber = DataKeyId("CatalogId")
Itm.Description = DataKeyId("ItemDescription")
Itm.Qty = DataKeyId("Qty")
Itm.UnitPrice = DataKeyId("UnitPrice")
Itm.Page = DataKeyId("Page")
dim b as Boolean = Utilities.RowUpdating( Itm)
grdPOs.EditIndex = -1
Catch ex As Exception
msgbox("Error in POAdminEditor.grdPOs_RowUpdating: " & ex.Message )
End Try
End Sub
I use the following function to Bind the grid:
Private sub BindGrid(poOrderid as Integer )
'load the data and return a DataTable
Dim dt as DataTable = Utilities.BindGrid(poOrderid)
'Set the datasource
grdPOs.DataSource = dt
Catch ex As Exception
msgbox("Error in POAdminEditor.BindGrid: " & ex.Message )
End Try
End Sub
I can't seem to find a solution in current posts, so I'm hoping someone can
help. Thank you much.
I'm having a problem getting the newvalues or oldvalues from the RowUpdating
event. I have the following code for the event(See note):
Protected Sub grdPOs_RowUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles grdPOs.RowUpdating
Dim records(e.NewValues.Count - 1) As DictionaryEntry
Dim entry As DictionaryEntry
Dim DataKeyId as DataKey
Dim Itm as New POItem
'Copy the new values into the fields
e.NewValues.CopyTo(records, 0)
'Please note, that at this point there is no values in records
For Each entry In records
e.NewValues(entry.Key) = Server.HtmlEncode(entry.Value.ToString())
DataKeyId = grdPOs.DataKeys(e.RowIndex )
Itm.POId = DataKeyId("ItemId")
Itm.CatalogNumber = DataKeyId("CatalogId")
Itm.Description = DataKeyId("ItemDescription")
Itm.Qty = DataKeyId("Qty")
Itm.UnitPrice = DataKeyId("UnitPrice")
Itm.Page = DataKeyId("Page")
dim b as Boolean = Utilities.RowUpdating( Itm)
grdPOs.EditIndex = -1
Catch ex As Exception
msgbox("Error in POAdminEditor.grdPOs_RowUpdating: " & ex.Message )
End Try
End Sub
I use the following function to Bind the grid:
Private sub BindGrid(poOrderid as Integer )
'load the data and return a DataTable
Dim dt as DataTable = Utilities.BindGrid(poOrderid)
'Set the datasource
grdPOs.DataSource = dt
Catch ex As Exception
msgbox("Error in POAdminEditor.BindGrid: " & ex.Message )
End Try
End Sub
I can't seem to find a solution in current posts, so I'm hoping someone can
help. Thank you much.