groveling over a file for Q:: and A:: stmts



#!/usr/bin/env python
# I am only looking to isolate uniq Q:: and A:: stmts from my daily files
# note: This algorithm will fail if there are any blank lines within the Q and A area of interest (a paragraph)

# D. Beazley is my fav documentation

import re, glob
import pprint as pp

sampledata = '''
A:: And Straight Street is playin on the Radio Free Tibet. What are the chances, DTMB?
Q:: About 1 in 518400, Professor.
A:: Correct! Err, I thought it was 1:410400, but <i>close enough for jazz!</i>


pattern0 = re.compile("Q::")
pattern1 = re.compile("A::") # objects of interest can start with A:: ;; not alway Q::
END_OF_PARAGRAPH_pat = "\n\s*\n"

path = "/Users/paultaney/dailies2012/0722" # an example of real data set.

toggle = False
L = []
M = []

#file = open(path, "r")
#for line in file.readlines():
for line in sampledata:
# Later, I also need to treat Unicode -- and I am clueless.

# falsestarts::
#line.encode("utf8").decode('xxx', 'ignore')
#line.encode("utf8", 'ignore')
#line.decode('8859') # 8859, Latin-1 doesn't cover my CJK pastings AT ALL
#line.decode('GB18030') # 171006 -- ack
#encoded_line = line # xxx line.encode("utf8")

mo0 =, line)
mo1 =, line)
mo2 =, line)

if mo0:
if 1: print ("I see pattern 0")
toggle = True
if 1: print(line)

if mo1:
if 1: print ("I see pattern 1")
toggle = True

if mo2 and toggle:
if 1: print ("I see pattern 2 AND toggle is set")
# got one. save it for uniqifying, and empty the container
toggle = False
M = []

except Exception as e:
print("--- " + e + " ---")

except UnicodeDecodeError:
#encoded_line = encoded_line.urlsafe_b64encode(re.replace("asdf", encoded_line))
#line = re.sub(".+", "--- asdf ---", line)

print (L)

# and what"s wrong with some of this, here!
#myHash = set(L) # uniqify
#pp.pprint(myHash) # july 23, 131001 hike!

Steven D'Aprano

#!/usr/bin/env python
# I am only looking to isolate uniq Q:: and A:: stmts
from my daily files #
# note: This algorithm will fail if there are any blank lines within
the Q and A area of interest (a paragraph)

# D. Beazley is my fav documentation

If you are going to ask a question, please ask a question. Don't just
dump a whole pile of code in our laps and expect us to work out what your
question is.

It may help if you read this page:

Some further comments below:
import re, glob
import pprint as pp

sampledata = '''
A:: And Straight Street is playin on the Radio Free Tibet. What are the
chances, DTMB? Q:: About 1 in 518400, Professor.
A:: Correct! Err, I thought it was 1:410400, but <i>close enough for


pattern0 = re.compile("Q::")

There is no point in using a regular expression for something as trivial
as that. That is like swinging a 20 kg sledge-hammer to crack a peanut.

Just use a string method:

if my_string.startswith("Q::"): ...

# Later, I also need to treat Unicode -- and I am clueless.

If you have a question about Unicode, you should ask it.

If you have not already read this page, you should read it now:

except Exception as e:
print("--- " + e + " ---")

Please don't throw away useful debugging information.

You should learn to read exception tracebacks, not hide them. They
contain a lot of very useful information to help you debug your code.
except UnicodeDecodeError:
#encoded_line = encoded_line.urlsafe_b64encode(re.replace("asdf",
encoded_line)) #line = re.sub(".+", "--- asdf ---", line) pass

This will never be caught because any UnicodeDecodeError will already be
caught by the "except Exception" line above.

print (L)

# and what"s wrong with some of this, here! #myHash = set(L) #
#pp.pprint(myHash) # july 23, 131001 hike!

I don't know what's wrong with it. What do you expect it to do, and what
does it actually do instead?


Hi Steve:

Thank you for your quick response.

Ah, indeed I failed to ask my question:: Why doesnt this code print the sampledata? Instead it prints the empty list.

The answer is probably quite simple, as I really am an idiot.

Thanks again,


#!/usr/bin/env python
# I am only looking to isolate uniq Q:: and A:: stmts from my daily files
# note: This algorithm will fail if there are any blank lines within the Q and A area of interest (a paragraph)

# D. Beazley is my fav documentation

import re, glob
import pprint as pp

sampledata = '''
A:: And Straight Street is playin on the Radio Free Tibet. What are the chances, DTMB?
Q:: About 1 in 518400, Professor.
A:: Correct! Err, I thought it was 1:410400, but <i>close enough for jazz!</i>


pattern0 = re.compile("Q::")
pattern1 = re.compile("A::") # objects of interest can start with A:: ;; not alway Q::
END_OF_PARAGRAPH_pat = "\n\s*\n"

path = "/Users/paultaney/dailies2012/0722" # an example of real data set.

toggle = False
L = []
M = []

#file = open(path, "r")
#for line in file.readlines():
for line in sampledata:

sampledata is a string, therefore this is iterating over the string,
which yields characters, not lines. Try using sampledata.splitlines():

for line in sampledata.splitlines():
# Later, I also need to treat Unicode -- and I am clueless.

# falsestarts::
#line.encode("utf8").decode('xxx', 'ignore')
#line.encode("utf8", 'ignore')
#line.decode('8859') # 8859, Latin-1 doesn't cover my CJK pastings AT ALL
#line.decode('GB18030') # 171006 -- ack
#encoded_line = line # xxx line.encode("utf8")

mo0 =, line)

This searches for pattern0 anywhere in the line. You really want to
check whether the line starts with pattern0, which is better done with:

mo1 =, line)
mo2 =, line)

if mo0:
if 1: print ("I see pattern 0")
toggle = True
if 1: print(line)

if mo1:
if 1: print ("I see pattern 1")
toggle = True

if mo2 and toggle:
if 1: print ("I see pattern 2 AND toggle is set")
# got one. save it for uniqifying, and empty the container
toggle = False
M = []

except Exception as e:
print("--- " + e + " ---")

except UnicodeDecodeError:
#encoded_line = encoded_line.urlsafe_b64encode(re.replace("asdf", encoded_line))
#line = re.sub(".+", "--- asdf ---", line)

print (L)

# and what"s wrong with some of this, here!
#myHash = set(L) # uniqify
#pp.pprint(myHash) # july 23, 131001 hike!

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