Peter Bailey
I've chunked up a huge text file into arrays of discrete text groups. I
want to go into each of those text groups and convert a bunch of stuff.
I've proved that I've got my array OK, and, I've proved that I can do a
"put" of any of the discrete text groups. But, in my first gsub! to
convert stuff in these text groups, Ruby is complaining that I'm doing a
gsub! in an array. I'm getting the following error message:
Exception: private method `gsub' called for #<Array:0x2e40910>
Here's the lines where this starts:
registries = []
registries = xmlfile.scan(/<registration>(.*? )<\/registration>/im)
#puts registries[100]
registries.each do |registry|
registry.gsub!(/<\/*registrationList>/, "")
Can someone help me understand what's going on here?
want to go into each of those text groups and convert a bunch of stuff.
I've proved that I've got my array OK, and, I've proved that I can do a
"put" of any of the discrete text groups. But, in my first gsub! to
convert stuff in these text groups, Ruby is complaining that I'm doing a
gsub! in an array. I'm getting the following error message:
Exception: private method `gsub' called for #<Array:0x2e40910>
Here's the lines where this starts:
registries = []
registries = xmlfile.scan(/<registration>(.*? )<\/registration>/im)
#puts registries[100]
registries.each do |registry|
registry.gsub!(/<\/*registrationList>/, "")
Can someone help me understand what's going on here?