Lior Knaany
Hi all,
I need some help understanding chunked & gzipped data in HTTP/1.1
Using headers like "Content-Encoding" vs. "Transfer-Encoding".
(doing this in order to develop a web server filter)
I noticed that when the server sends a Gzip content in chunks the
response headers will be as so :
"Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: Chunked"
The browser waits for all the chunks, concates them together & runs
GUnZip on them to get the content.
But why Gzip the entire data before sending ? Is there a way that the
server can Gzip the chunk & then send it (doing the same for all the
Meaning the Gzip will not be on the entire content all together, but
for each chunk.
This way the browser could read one chunk, GUnZip it, display the
result & continue to the next chunk.
If there is a way, what should the response headers look like ?
Maybe like this: "Transfer-Encoding: Gzip,Chunked" with no
Content-Encoding header?
I have searched "RFC 2616 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
" but could not find any meaningful information for this question.
Please help,
Thanks in advance,
I need some help understanding chunked & gzipped data in HTTP/1.1
Using headers like "Content-Encoding" vs. "Transfer-Encoding".
(doing this in order to develop a web server filter)
I noticed that when the server sends a Gzip content in chunks the
response headers will be as so :
"Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: Chunked"
The browser waits for all the chunks, concates them together & runs
GUnZip on them to get the content.
But why Gzip the entire data before sending ? Is there a way that the
server can Gzip the chunk & then send it (doing the same for all the
Meaning the Gzip will not be on the entire content all together, but
for each chunk.
This way the browser could read one chunk, GUnZip it, display the
result & continue to the next chunk.
If there is a way, what should the response headers look like ?
Maybe like this: "Transfer-Encoding: Gzip,Chunked" with no
Content-Encoding header?
I have searched "RFC 2616 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1
" but could not find any meaningful information for this question.
Please help,
Thanks in advance,