how does one properly add a second line to an h tag?
because the script uses the <h3> tag for creating the accordion sections, I
want to have a second line in that section as I show it now.
But the validator says that a <p> is not permitted inside the tags.
Is it even possible to do and make the validator happy?
Another issue I have, word wrapping.
Text inside the division is not conforming to the width of the container.
Instead, it just keeps on going on one line.
How do I correct that? Overflow:hidden does not work.
Also, another gripe with the validator.
According to the errors listing, one is not permitted to use "ul" in text
because that is a tag designator.
WTF? A tag is designated by <>. NOT what is inside the <>.
But I can say "html" and not get an error?
yeah right.
<begin the bashing>
how does one properly add a second line to an h tag?
because the script uses the <h3> tag for creating the accordion sections, I
want to have a second line in that section as I show it now.
But the validator says that a <p> is not permitted inside the tags.
Is it even possible to do and make the validator happy?
Another issue I have, word wrapping.
Text inside the division is not conforming to the width of the container.
Instead, it just keeps on going on one line.
How do I correct that? Overflow:hidden does not work.
Also, another gripe with the validator.
According to the errors listing, one is not permitted to use "ul" in text
because that is a tag designator.
WTF? A tag is designated by <>. NOT what is inside the <>.
But I can say "html" and not get an error?
yeah right.
<begin the bashing>