hacker logo


Nikolai Weibull



The aiming hacker should at least hack the logo. ;-) (I once made a
version that flew left-upwards, it think that's more positive.)
Remember kids, blindly doing what ESR says doesn't make you anything
remotely to hacker.


I think the logo is stupid on principle, and not just because I don't
get it. ;)

Now the Heavy-metal-umlaut "R=FCby" is a logo I can stand behind. =3D)

James Britt


David Brady

Christian said:
Remember kids, blindly doing what ESR says doesn't make you anything
remotely to hacker.
Remember kids, blindly rejecting what ESR says doesn't make you anything
remotely akin to a hacker, either.

You have to think for yourself. 'blindly' anything != hacker nature.

I've met Eric and I like him; I also recognized the logo and it's a
pleasant little thought that turns over in my head comfortably. So I
like the logo. I'm not a "logo-using" kind of guy, though. I saw it
and said, "ah-ha", and doodled a glider in the margin of my journal, and
that'll probably be the end of it.

Hackers tend to be nonconformists, so Christian's reaction is a natural
one. But, in all their nonconformity, they often have common traits and
behaviors. Eric is trying to introduce a new behavior, to see if
hackers will adopt it as a common trait. What blows me away is the
realization of what he's really trying to do: hack the hacker culture
itself. What remains to be seen is if the idea can be divorced from
"something ESR said" and stand on its own as an independent concept.
Give it a few years to become Lost in the Lore, then see if the kids
start using without knowing who started it.


James Britt

Shalev said:
Oooh I like that one!.


I've added bags and buttons, too.


(CafePress also allows one to create US postal stamps, so I made one
with the R=FCby logo, but I haven't seen it on the site yet. There may b=
some image review process. Sending snail mail with a Speed Metal R=FCby
stamp seems reasonably entertaining.)



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http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

Jamal Hansen

Funny you would post this. I just bought one of the speed metal long
sleeve t-shirts. I was looking for one in black, but didn't see one.=20
Still a very nice shirt, I'm wearing it to work tomorrow. :)


Navindra Umanee

I don't get it. What do these three sites have to do with each other?
Or Ruby?
This has been around for some time and I was amazed to find that it made
the front page of reddit. (Perhaps user-based editing isn't all that
great after all?)

Anyway, my personal opinion (should anyone care) is that it's totally
lame and just goes to show that if you _want_to_be_ a "true hacker" you
start wearing your pants above your navel,


Nikolai Weibull

I don't get it. What do these three sites have to do with each other?
Or Ruby?

I didn't write it, but Walter was just showing how he came across
reddit.com from paulgraham.com, and how reddit.com took him to catb.org.
The fact that they have "nothing" to do with each other is the whole
point. They have nothing to do with Ruby either,

James Britt

Julian said:
I really don't like the logo on those...

It's meant to be humorous. Except when trying to spook your Java
Could we have some with the new funky ruby icon logo thing that's gonna
be on the next version of the site?

I don't think that's been decided by anyone yet ...
Like similar to the rails one... speaking of which - is there a rails
t-shirt series ? ? ? (starts fervently searching) But I DO want a plain
ruby one! And other things...


Rails stuff, and more.


http://www.ruby-doc.org - The Ruby Documentation Site
http://www.rubyxml.com - News, Articles, and Listings for Ruby & XML
http://www.rubystuff.com - The Ruby Store for Ruby Stuff
http://www.jamesbritt.com - Playing with Better Toys

Shalev NessAiver

Like similar to the rails one... speaking of which - is there a
rails t-shirt series ? ? ? (starts fervently searching) But I DO
want a plain ruby one! And other things...


Mmmm, my Rails sweatshirt should be in any day now.
*checks his snail mail*

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