Hi i am having trouble adding a recordset into the access database,
the code seems to be working fine it passs and parses through all
variables just fine without showing any errors and also when i access
the recordset it displays the results, what the real issue is that the
entry is not made into the database even though i use the Update
command and i have also tried the BeginTrans and CommitTrans nothign
seems to work and i am unable to figure out wats wrong with this
code.....here is the code below...plz help me out i would really
apreciate any help...thanks
the code seems to be working fine it passs and parses through all
variables just fine without showing any errors and also when i access
the recordset it displays the results, what the real issue is that the
entry is not made into the database even though i use the Update
command and i have also tried the BeginTrans and CommitTrans nothign
seems to work and i am unable to figure out wats wrong with this
code.....here is the code below...plz help me out i would really
apreciate any help...thanks
' Connect to database
Set conn_add = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'conn_add.mode = 3 'readWrite mode
conn_add.Open "DSN=semda; UserID=USERIDSTRING; pwd=PWDSTRING"
if ucase(TypeName(conn_add)) = "CONNECTION" then
response.Write("CONNECTION MADE!")
end if
If Request.Form("DescShort") = "" Or Request.Form("DescLong") = ""
ErrStr = "You didn't fill in all the required fields. Please go back
and enter all required data."
Else 'Insert into database
'pulling out max_job
Set maxJobID = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
maxJobID.open "Select max(JobID) as max_job from JobList", conn_add
Do while not maxJobID.eof
response.Write("<br>MAX JOB ID IS: "& max_job &"<br>")
Set maxJobID= Nothing
Set sthRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
on error resume next
sthRecordset.open "JobList",conn_add,2,3
'2,3 adOpenDynamic=2/adOpenKeyset = 1, adLockOptimistic=3
'check for errors
on error resume next
If conn_add.Errors.count > 0 Then
Set objErr = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Error")
for each objErr in conn_add.Errors
If objErr.Number <> 0 Then
response.Write("Number: " & objErr.Number & "<p>")
response.Write("Description: " & objErr.Description & "<p>")
response.Write("Source: " & objErr.Source & "<p>")
response.Write("SQLState: " & objErr.SQLState & "<p>")
response.Write("NativeError: " & objErr.NativeError & "<p>")
End If
response.Write("NEW RECORD ADDED")
sthRecordset.Fields("JobID") = max_job
sthRecordset.Fields("DescShort") = Request.Form("DescShort")
sthRecordset.Fields("DescLong") = Request.Form("DescLong")
sthRecordset.Fields("TypeID") = Request.Form("TypeID")
sthRecordset.Fields("PayLow") = Request.Form("PayLow")
sthRecordset.Fields("PayHi") = Request.Form("PayHi")
sthRecordset.Fields("ContactName") = Request.Form("ContactName")
sthRecordset.Fields("Phone") = Request.Form("Phone")
sthRecordset.Fields("Fax") = Request.Form("Fax")
sthRecordset.Fields("Email") = Request.Form("Email")
sthRecordset.Fields("Web") = Request.Form("Web")
sthRecordset.Fields("Verified") = "No"
If Request.Form("ExpireDate") = "" Then
sthRecordset.Fields("ExpireDate") = Date()+30
sthRecordset.Fields("ExpireDate") = Request.Form("ExpireDate")
End if
sthRecordset.Fields("EnterDate") = Now()
If sthRecordset.Fields("ExpireDate") = "" Then
ErrStr = "There was a problem converting the expiration date you
entered. " &_
"Please go back and make sure you entered a date in the format
response.Write("<br>IN HERE<br>")
JobID = sthRecordset.Fields("JobID")
response.Write("<br>NEW RECORD ADDED TOTALY with job id: "& JobID)
EXPdate = sthRecordset.Fields("ExpireDate")
response.Write("<br>EXP DATE: "& EXPdate)
End If
Set sthRecordset = Nothing
End If
End If