having trouble getting RSS to refresh in iTunes - ttl doesn't seem to fix it


Jake Barnes

I've written a PHP script that makes an RSS feed for some mp3s so that
the music studio I work for can offer some of its new music as a
podcast. Often, after a podcast episode has gone live, and people have
seen it in their RSS readers, we need to edit the information that we
are associating with the mp3. I've written the PHP script so it is easy
to edit the info in the RSS. However, we've found that this info never
updates in iTunes. I've used the ttl tag to try to get iTunes to
refresh more often, but it has no effect. How can I get iTunes to see
new data in the RSS tags?

And is this the right forum to ask? If any of you are Apple developers
and know of a place where developers are discussing RSS issues unique
to Apple, please let me know.

many thanks,


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