Having trouble with some lists in BeautifulSoup



Okay, what I want to do with this code is to got to thesaurus.reference.com
and then search for a word and get the syns for it. Now, I can get the syns,
but they are still in html form and some are hyperlinks. But I can't get the
contents out. I am not that familiar with BeautifulSoup. So if anyone wants
to look over this code(if you run it, it will make a lot more sense) and
maybe help me out.

side note: if you run it, a list object will print and what I am after is
the part that starts:

<td colspan="2" widht="100%">american...

Heres the code:

import urllib
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

class defSyn:
def __init__(self, word):
self.word = word

def get_syn(term):
soup =
BeautifulSoup(urllib.urlopen('http://thesaurus.reference.com/search?q=%s' %

balls = soup.findAll('table', {'width': '100%'})
print soup.prettify()

for tabs in soup.findAll('table', {'width': '100%'}):
yield tabs.findAll('td', {'colspan': '2'})

self.mainList = list(get_syn(self.word))
print self.mainList[2]

if You have any further questions I would be happy to answer.

John Nagle

Alexnb said:
Okay, what I want to do with this code is to got to thesaurus.reference.com
and then search for a word and get the syns for it. Now, I can get the syns,
but they are still in html form and some are hyperlinks. But I can't get the
contents out. I am not that familiar with BeautifulSoup. So if anyone wants
to look over this code(if you run it, it will make a lot more sense) and
maybe help me out.

The thesaurus site may become annoyed if you overdo this.

However, it's not hard to do. Search the output for
an "a" tag with class "noline", then extract the text content
of the "a" tag. The BeautifulSoup manual will tell you how.

If you want raw thesaurus data you can use freely, see

John Nagle

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