I have written the two associated base classes below (Digital_camera and
Review) to manage digital camera and review objects. They are base classes
for which other derived classes can be written to provide more detail.
You'll notice that I've also declared the display functions as "virtual" to
allow for polymorphism. I now need to write a function to display all the
contents of an STL "deque" of pointers to Digital_camera objects. It needs
to call display functions to print out the details of the objects pointed
I'm confused on how to do this and I'd greatly appreciate some help with
developing the function with an explanation of any code provided.
The function will go into an implementation file which will also set up
camera a review objects for testing.
Thanks for any help.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Review.h"
const int MAX_REVIEWS = 20;
class Digital_camera
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Digital_camera&);
public :
Digital_camera ( string ma="", string mo="", string se="", double
//member functions
void add_review (Review*);
string getMake () const;
string getModel () const;
string getSensor () const;
double getMegapixels() const;
virtual void display (ostream& out=cout) const;
void display_reviews (ostream& out=cout) const;
protected :
//member data
string make; //make of camera
string model; //model of camera
string sensor; //sensor type
double megapixels; //amount of pixels
//attributes for association
Review* camera_review[MAX_REVIEWS];
int nReviews;
ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Digital_camera&);
#include "Digital_camera.h"
#include "Review.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Digital_camera:igital_camera (string ma, string mo, string se, double me)
make = ma;
model = mo;
sensor = se;
megapixels = me;
nReviews = 0;
for (int j=0; j<MAX_REVIEWS;j++)
camera_review[j] = NULL;
//add a review to a camera object
void Digital_camera::add_review (Review* r)
if ( r == NULL)
cerr << "incorrectly entered information, NO review added" <<
else if (nReviews<MAX_REVIEWS)
camera_review[nReviews++] = r;
else cout << "This camera has reached the maximum allowable amount of
reviews" << endl;
//access to attributes of a review
string Digital_camera::getMake (void) const
return make;
string Digital_camera::getModel (void) const
return model;
string Digital_camera::getSensor (void) const
return sensor;
double Digital_camera::getMegapixels (void) const
return megapixels;
//display review details
void Digital_camera::display (ostream& out ) const
cout << "Digital Camera details as follows : " << endl << endl;
out << "Make : " << make
<< "Model : " << model
<< "Sensor type : " << sensor <<endl
<< "Megapixels : " << megapixels <<endl
<< endl;
//display review objects
void Digital_camera::display_reviews (ostream& out) const
if (nReviews==0)
out << "No review information :" << endl;
for (int i=0;i<nReviews;i++)
out << *(camera_review);
//overload of operator<<
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Digital_camera& d)
return out;
#ifndef REVIEW_H
#define REVIEW_H
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Digital_camera;
class Review
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Review&);
public :
Review (Digital_camera* d=NULL, string="", string="", double=0.0,
//member functions
string getDate() const;
string getAuthor() const;
double getRating() const;
string getComment() const;
Digital_camera* getCamera() const;
virtual void display (ostream& out=cout) const;
private :
//attributes for association
Digital_camera* what; //what camera
//member data
string date; //Date of review
string author; //The author of the review
double rating; //The overall rating
string comment; //Free flow comments
//overload of operator<<
ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Review&);
#include "Review.h"
#include "Digital_camera.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Review::Review (Digital_camera* dc, string da, string au, double ra, string
what = dc;
date = da;
author = au;
rating = ra;
comment = co;
dc->add_review (this); //pointer to the add_review function in the
Digital_camera class
//access to attributes of a review
Digital_camera* Review::getCamera () const
return what;
string Review::getDate (void) const
return date;
string Review::getAuthor (void) const
return author;
double Review::getRating (void) const
return rating;
string Review::getComment (void) const
return comment;
//display review details
void Review::display(ostream& out) const
cout << "Review details :" << endl;
out << "Date of review : " << date << endl
<< "Author : " << author << endl
<< "Overall rating : " << rating << endl
<< "Comments : " << comment<< endl <<
//overload of operator
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Review& r)
return out;
Review) to manage digital camera and review objects. They are base classes
for which other derived classes can be written to provide more detail.
You'll notice that I've also declared the display functions as "virtual" to
allow for polymorphism. I now need to write a function to display all the
contents of an STL "deque" of pointers to Digital_camera objects. It needs
to call display functions to print out the details of the objects pointed
I'm confused on how to do this and I'd greatly appreciate some help with
developing the function with an explanation of any code provided.
The function will go into an implementation file which will also set up
camera a review objects for testing.
Thanks for any help.
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Review.h"
const int MAX_REVIEWS = 20;
class Digital_camera
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Digital_camera&);
public :
Digital_camera ( string ma="", string mo="", string se="", double
//member functions
void add_review (Review*);
string getMake () const;
string getModel () const;
string getSensor () const;
double getMegapixels() const;
virtual void display (ostream& out=cout) const;
void display_reviews (ostream& out=cout) const;
protected :
//member data
string make; //make of camera
string model; //model of camera
string sensor; //sensor type
double megapixels; //amount of pixels
//attributes for association
Review* camera_review[MAX_REVIEWS];
int nReviews;
ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Digital_camera&);
#include "Digital_camera.h"
#include "Review.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Digital_camera:igital_camera (string ma, string mo, string se, double me)
make = ma;
model = mo;
sensor = se;
megapixels = me;
nReviews = 0;
for (int j=0; j<MAX_REVIEWS;j++)
camera_review[j] = NULL;
//add a review to a camera object
void Digital_camera::add_review (Review* r)
if ( r == NULL)
cerr << "incorrectly entered information, NO review added" <<
else if (nReviews<MAX_REVIEWS)
camera_review[nReviews++] = r;
else cout << "This camera has reached the maximum allowable amount of
reviews" << endl;
//access to attributes of a review
string Digital_camera::getMake (void) const
return make;
string Digital_camera::getModel (void) const
return model;
string Digital_camera::getSensor (void) const
return sensor;
double Digital_camera::getMegapixels (void) const
return megapixels;
//display review details
void Digital_camera::display (ostream& out ) const
cout << "Digital Camera details as follows : " << endl << endl;
out << "Make : " << make
<< "Model : " << model
<< "Sensor type : " << sensor <<endl
<< "Megapixels : " << megapixels <<endl
<< endl;
//display review objects
void Digital_camera::display_reviews (ostream& out) const
if (nReviews==0)
out << "No review information :" << endl;
for (int i=0;i<nReviews;i++)
out << *(camera_review);
//overload of operator<<
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Digital_camera& d)
return out;
#ifndef REVIEW_H
#define REVIEW_H
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Digital_camera;
class Review
friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Review&);
public :
Review (Digital_camera* d=NULL, string="", string="", double=0.0,
//member functions
string getDate() const;
string getAuthor() const;
double getRating() const;
string getComment() const;
Digital_camera* getCamera() const;
virtual void display (ostream& out=cout) const;
private :
//attributes for association
Digital_camera* what; //what camera
//member data
string date; //Date of review
string author; //The author of the review
double rating; //The overall rating
string comment; //Free flow comments
//overload of operator<<
ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Review&);
#include "Review.h"
#include "Digital_camera.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
Review::Review (Digital_camera* dc, string da, string au, double ra, string
what = dc;
date = da;
author = au;
rating = ra;
comment = co;
dc->add_review (this); //pointer to the add_review function in the
Digital_camera class
//access to attributes of a review
Digital_camera* Review::getCamera () const
return what;
string Review::getDate (void) const
return date;
string Review::getAuthor (void) const
return author;
double Review::getRating (void) const
return rating;
string Review::getComment (void) const
return comment;
//display review details
void Review::display(ostream& out) const
cout << "Review details :" << endl;
out << "Date of review : " << date << endl
<< "Author : " << author << endl
<< "Overall rating : " << rating << endl
<< "Comments : " << comment<< endl <<
//overload of operator
ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const Review& r)
return out;