HELP: Directory question


Hamish Dean

Thisw may be off topic. Sorry if it is.

I've got an application, and it gets installed to a particular directory
(they choose) on a users computer. How do I find out what this directory is
at runtime? I want them to install a license file, and then my application
check the values in the license file at runtime. Problem is, the directory
could be different for each user.

Hamish Dean, PhD
ShapeShifter Technology Ltd
+ 64 3 377 3140
(e-mail address removed)

Artie Gold

Hamish said:
Thisw may be off topic. Sorry if it is.

Alas, it is.
I've got an application, and it gets installed to a particular directory
(they choose) on a users computer. How do I find out what this directory is
at runtime? I want them to install a license file, and then my application
check the values in the license file at runtime. Problem is, the directory
could be different for each user.

This can only be done (if it can be done at all) in a (sometimes
*very*) platform specific way.


Jack Klein

Thisw may be off topic. Sorry if it is.

It is. C++ does not define or support directories, which are a
feature of operating systems and not any particular language.
I've got an application, and it gets installed to a particular directory
(they choose) on a users computer. How do I find out what this directory is
at runtime? I want them to install a license file, and then my application
check the values in the license file at runtime. Problem is, the directory
could be different for each user.

Compiler implementations for systems that have directory structures
usually provide some non-standard extensions to do this sort of thing.
But it is different for various compiler/OS combinations and not
discussed here exactly because it is not part of the language, and
this is a language group.

You need to ask in a group that supports your particular compiler/OS
combination. I can't be specific, because you did not identify your

Jack Klein
Home: http://JK-Technology.Com
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