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I am trying to use data structures to open a file (void
display_Stock_Item(Stock_Item si);) from a text file. I also need to
be able to write to the file and also to delete from the file using
arrays. Can anyone help?

/*Declare header files to be used in the program*/

const int SIZE=20;

//Declaring structures to be used in the program
struct Stock_Item;
struct Bill;
struct Bill_Item;
struct Stock;

struct Stock_Item //Function prototype for a Stock data type
int code;
char description[25];
float price;

struct Stock
Stock_Item si[SIZE];
int nStock_Item;

struct Bill_Item //Function prototype for a Bill_Item data type
int code;
char description[25];
float weight;
float cost;

struct Bill //Function prototype for a Bill data type
Bill_Item bi[SIZE];
int nBill_item;

//Function Prototypes available to the data structure
void add_Bill_Item(Bill_Item& bi, int* code, char* desc, float* w,
float* c);
void set_Stock_Item (Stock_Item& si, int* code, char* desc, float* p);
void display_Bill_Item(Bill_Item bi);
void display_Stock_Item(Stock_Item si);
void create_Stock_Item(Stock_Item& si);
void create_Stock(Stock& s);
int isfull(Stock_Item& si);

//initialising Stock Items to zero for the array
void create_Stock(Stock& s)
s.nStock_Item = 0;

//Setting stock_Item

void set_Stock_Item(Stock_Item& si, int code, char desc, float p)
cout << "Enter a code:";
cin >> si.code;
cout << "Enter a description:";
cin >> si.description;
cout << "Enter a price:";
cin >> si.price;

//Display Stock_Item structure operations
void display_Stock_Item(Stock_Item &si, int c, char d, float p)
si.code = c;
si.description[SIZE] = d;
si.price = p;
cout << si.code << si.description << si.price <<endl;

//Setting Bill_Item

void add_Bill_Item(Bill_Item& bi)

cout << "Enter a code:";
cin >> bi.code;
cout << "Enter a description:";
cin >> bi.description;
cout << "Enter a weight:";
cin >> bi.weight;
cout << "Enter a cost:";
cin >> bi.cost;

//Display Bill_Item Structure Operations
void display_Bill_Item(Bill_Item bi)
cout << bi.code << bi.description << bi.weight <<bi.cost <<endl;

//*****************THE ACTUAL PROGRAM STARTS HERE**************

void main()
// Create a pointer of type FILE and initialise to NULL
// FILE is a data structure in stdio.h
FILE *per_file = NULL;
char temp;

// Open the file for reading
// Parameter 1 = filename and path if required
// Parameter 2 = r (read mode)
per_file = fopen("C:\\prices.txt","r");
//While temp is equal

// Always close a file after use


Christoph Rabel

AKF said:
I am trying to use data structures to open a file (void
display_Stock_Item(Stock_Item si);) from a text file. I also need to
be able to write to the file and also to delete from the file using
arrays. Can anyone help?

Yes, probably, but where do you have problems?
I dont really know what help you expect. I have only a few
comments about your code.

/*Declare header files to be used in the program*/

Please use this headers instead:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>

Please be advised, that various functione live now in
Namespace std. So you also need to add:

using namespace std;

In general, reading through your code I had the feeling,
that you are programming C. C and C++ have very different
ways of programming.
I suggest you read a book about object-oriented design in C++.
const int SIZE=20;

//Declaring structures to be used in the program
struct Stock_Item;
struct Bill;
struct Bill_Item;
struct Stock;

struct Stock_Item //Function prototype for a Stock data type
int code;
char description[25];
float price;

struct Stock
Stock_Item si[SIZE];
int nStock_Item;

struct Bill_Item //Function prototype for a Bill_Item data type

This is no function prototype, your comment is completely
int code;
char description[25];
float weight;
float cost;

struct Bill //Function prototype for a Bill data type

Bill_Item bi[SIZE];
int nBill_item;

//Function Prototypes available to the data structure
void add_Bill_Item(Bill_Item& bi, int* code, char* desc, float* w,
float* c);
void set_Stock_Item (Stock_Item& si, int* code, char* desc, float* p);
void display_Bill_Item(Bill_Item bi);
void display_Stock_Item(Stock_Item si);
void create_Stock_Item(Stock_Item& si);
void create_Stock(Stock& s);
int isfull(Stock_Item& si);

//initialising Stock Items to zero for the array
void create_Stock(Stock& s)
s.nStock_Item = 0;

//Setting stock_Item

void set_Stock_Item(Stock_Item& si, int code, char desc, float p)
cout << "Enter a code:";
cin >> si.code;
cout << "Enter a description:";
cin >> si.description;
cout << "Enter a price:";
cin >> si.price;

//Display Stock_Item structure operations
void display_Stock_Item(Stock_Item &si, int c, char d, float p)
si.code = c;
si.description[SIZE] = d;
si.price = p;
cout << si.code << si.description << si.price <<endl;

//Setting Bill_Item

void add_Bill_Item(Bill_Item& bi)

cout << "Enter a code:";
cin >> bi.code;
cout << "Enter a description:";
cin >> bi.description;
cout << "Enter a weight:";
cin >> bi.weight;
cout << "Enter a cost:";
cin >> bi.cost;

//Display Bill_Item Structure Operations
void display_Bill_Item(Bill_Item bi)
cout << bi.code << bi.description << bi.weight <<bi.cost <<endl;

//*****************THE ACTUAL PROGRAM STARTS HERE**************

void main()

int main()

main is required to return int.
// Create a pointer of type FILE and initialise to NULL
// FILE is a data structure in stdio.h
FILE *per_file = NULL;
char temp;

In C++ you normally use a stream to read from a file.
// Open the file for reading
// Parameter 1 = filename and path if required
// Parameter 2 = r (read mode)
per_file = fopen("C:\\prices.txt","r");
//While temp is equal

Dou you have a problem here with parsing the input?
// Always close a file after use


hth at least a little bit,


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