Help for the busy and docgen challenged


Jim Freeze

Ok, ok, I'm no Jamis, _why, Bill or even David.

But, I do need a way to generate documents
(at least web based) for my applications and

I would prefer a system that let's me write
a text file and I format it with one of the
markup languages such as rdoc or xyz_cloth.
If a web interface for editing (like Hieraki)
is also provided, that is a bonus, but I must be able
to host the editor with either webrick or

The output of this app needs to be a nicely
formatted book in the form of a working
website. It must have a TOC, an optional
index, chapter (and possibly subchapter) links,
support local references and outside links.

And one other thing, it needs to integrate with
docs generated for other apps/libraries.

So far, I have seen these features in several places,
but have been unable to find a 'gem' of a solution.
For example, Hieraki, docs by Jamis and books by _why.

Does this app already exist in product form? My queries
so far have lead me to "... well I used
[Hieraki|_why's book|rdoc] and then tweaked it like crazy".

Do you documentation experts have a solution you would
be willing to share? Do you have something close that
you would be willing to put on rubyforge and start an
active project?

I have been needing this for some time but have been too
busy working on some other complimentary features
(soon to be announced). Plus, I don't think I could come
up with an acceptable solution in a reasonable amount of
time due to my lack of CSS/HTML experience.

A few crumbs please?

Eric Hodel

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Ok, ok, I'm no Jamis, _why, Bill or even David.

But, I do need a way to generate documents
(at least web based) for my applications and

I would prefer a system that let's me write
a text file and I format it with one of the
markup languages such as rdoc or xyz_cloth.
If a web interface for editing (like Hieraki)
is also provided, that is a bonus, but I must be able
to host the editor with either webrick or

The output of this app needs to be a nicely
formatted book in the form of a working
website. It must have a TOC, an optional
index, chapter (and possibly subchapter) links,
support local references and outside links.

And one other thing, it needs to integrate with
docs generated for other apps/libraries.

Can you expound upon this one?
A few crumbs please?


You can browse around for a good overview of its
features. My website,, is also generated by ZenWeb.

Eric Hodel - (e-mail address removed) -
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