Help: get stocked in translation



Hello all,

i was translating ECMAScript Spec, in section 5.1.4 "The Syntactic
Grammar" ( ) i got
the following sentance:

The syntactic grammar as presented in sections 0, 0, 0 and 0 is
actually not a complete account of which token sequences are accepted
as correct ECMAScript programs.

would anyone please explain what does this weird "as presented in
sections 0, 0, 0 and 0" mean? I cannot find anything related to "0, 0,
0 and 0" in the whole spec.



Hello all,

i was translating ECMAScript Spec, in section 5.1.4 "The Syntactic
Grammar" ( i got
the following sentance:

The syntactic grammar as presented in sections 0, 0, 0 and 0 is
actually not a complete account of which token sequences are accepted
as correct ECMAScript programs.

would anyone please explain what does this weird "as presented in
sections 0, 0, 0 and 0" mean? I cannot find anything related to "0, 0,
0 and 0" in the whole spec.

For the translation you should use the current ISO/IEC 16262:2002
document. A free copy can be downloaded at:

The original ECMA-262 publication of 1999 at
contains some editorial defaults: they were fixed on submitting to
ISO. In the particular the cross-reference bug in section 5.1.4 is
fixed in ISO version so reads as intended:
"The syntactic grammar as presented in sections 11, 12, 13 and 14"

John G Harris

Hello all,

i was translating ECMAScript Spec, in section 5.1.4 "The Syntactic
Grammar" ( ) i got
the following sentance:

The syntactic grammar as presented in sections 0, 0, 0 and 0 is
actually not a complete account of which token sequences are accepted
as correct ECMAScript programs.

would anyone please explain what does this weird "as presented in
sections 0, 0, 0 and 0" mean? I cannot find anything related to "0, 0,
0 and 0" in the whole spec.

Version 2 of ECMA 262 said
"The syntactic grammar as presented in sections11, 12, 13, and 14 is
actually" ...

Version 3 should say the same. My guess is that the editor wrote 0
because he thought the section numbers might change, then forgot to
update them when the correct numbers were known.


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