Help in comparision and writting in Matrix form



Hi all,
I have posted this message in perl.beginers,but didnt get any reply so
am posting here.

I have two set of data which I need to comapre.
The data set is actually a 16x16 Matrix.

Till now I am reading one row at a time by manually changing the
@comp_vhdl0, @comp_vhdl1.... till @comp_vhdl15 and so on.
I want:
1) this to be done using some loop (or some other better method) and
then write it to a file in 16x16 matrix form.

2) After that I want to compare the corresponding values and write the
results in a Marix form( say 1 if match occurs and 0 when mismatch). So
result looks like this

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


use strict;
use warnings;

##############This is the data of C based#########

my @VHDL = qw{ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-2.02344 0.200195 2.41211 0.200195 0.200195 0.200195 0.200195 -1.98242
-2.15234 1.69141 -0.200195 -2.37109 -2.19336 0.200195 -0.200195
-2.00879 -0.200195 2.66309 -0.200195 -0.200195 0.200195 0.200195
1.97363 2.28125 -2.4043 0.200195 2.00977 -2.3916 -0.200195 0.200195
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
0.200195 0.200195 2.77832 2.30469 -2.88184 -0.200195 2.25977 2.15625
-0.200195 -0.200195 2.92676 -0.200195 1.65234 -0.200195 -0.200195
0.200195 1.69824 0.200195 0.200195 0.200195 0.200195 0.200195 2.19727
0.200195 0.200195 0.200195 0.200195 1.19336 0.200195 2.10645 0.200195

-1.32227 1.76563 0.295898 1.73633 0.630859 -0.200195 0.598633 0.263672
0.200195 0.200195 -2.4248 0.325195 0.200195 1.79785 0.844727 -0.331055

0.200195 0.200195 1.60547 1.51758 2.00684 0.200195 1.45215 1.09961
0.200195 0.200195 1.94141 0.200195 1.11621 0.200195 0.200195 0.200195
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
-0.200195 -1.40918 -2.75 0.200195 0.200195 1.92188 -0.200195 -2.81641
0.200195 -0.200195 0.200195 -0.200195 2.36719 -1.53906 -1.98828
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
0.200195 0.200195 1.65234 0.200195 1.38477 0.200195 0.200195 0.200195
0.200195 1.86719 0.833984 1.40723 0.200195 1.77344 1.50098 1.75098
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
0.200195 1.0127 1.63477 0.200195 0.200195 1.45801 0.200195
1.05664 0.200195 0.200195 0.200195 0.200195 0.822266 1.41309 1.05762
1.88379 -0.420898 0.200195 0.200195 2.06445 0.200195 2.02734 0.200195
0.200195 0.200195 0.200195 -0.326172 1.64258 -0.200195 0.200195
0.200195 0.134766 2.88281 2.35352 0.200195 -0.833984 2.23438 0.200195
0.200195 -1.36328 0.200195 -1.48242 0.200195 0.200195 0.200195


my @comp_vhdl0 = (@VHDL[0..15] );
my @comp_vhdl1 = (@VHDL[16..31] );
my @comp_vhdl2 = (@VHDL[32..47] );
my @comp_vhdl3 = (@VHDL[48..63] );

my @comp_vhdl4 = (@VHDL[64..79] );
my @comp_vhdl5 = (@VHDL[80..95] );
my @comp_vhdl6 = (@VHDL[96..111] );
my @comp_vhdl7 = (@VHDL[112..127] );

my @comp_vhdl8 = (@VHDL[128..143] );
my @comp_vhdl9 = (@VHDL[144..159] );
my @comp_vhdl10 = (@VHDL[160..175] );
my @comp_vhdl11 = (@VHDL[176..191] );

my @comp_vhdl12 = (@VHDL[192..207] );
my @comp_vhdl13 = (@VHDL[208..223] );
my @comp_vhdl14 = (@VHDL[224..239] );
my @comp_vhdl15 = (@VHDL[240..255] );


my @C_based = (

my @comp0 = (@C_based[0..15] );
my @comp1 = (@C_based[16..31] );
my @comp2 = (@C_based[32..47] );
my @comp3 = (@C_based[48..63] );

my @comp4 = (@C_based[64..79] );
my @comp5 = (@C_based[80..95] );
my @comp6 = (@C_based[96..111] );
my @comp7 = (@C_based[112..127] );

my @comp8 = (@C_based[128..143] );
my @comp9 = (@C_based[144..159] );
my @comp10 = (@C_based[160..175] );
my @comp11 = (@C_based[176..191] );

my @comp12 = (@C_based[192..207] );
my @comp13 = (@C_based[208..223] );
my @comp14 = (@C_based[224..239] );
my @comp15 = (@C_based[240..255] );


my $format = "The VHDL items are: \n". ("%20f" x @comp_vhdl15 );

printf $format, @comp_vhdl15 ;

my $format = "The C items are: \n". ("%20f" x @comp15 );

printf $format, @comp15 ;


Ved said:
Hi all,
I have posted this message in perl.beginers,but didnt get any reply so
am posting here.

I have two set of data which I need to comapre.
The data set is actually a 16x16 Matrix.

Till now I am reading one row at a time by manually changing the
@comp_vhdl0, @comp_vhdl1.... till @comp_vhdl15 and so on.
I want:
1) this to be done using some loop (or some other better method) and
then write it to a file in 16x16 matrix form.

2) After that I want to compare the corresponding values and write the
results in a Marix form( say 1 if match occurs and 0 when mismatch). So
result looks like this

You don't say what "compare" means. I'll suppose a comparison is
"good" (1) if the values are closer together than a threshold (0.001).

Assuming @VHDL and @C_based are set up according to your data,
you could proceed like this:

# make 16 x 16 matrices from the data
my @mat_vhdl = map [splice @VHDL, 0, 16], 0 .. 15;
my @mat_C = map [splice @C_based, 0, 16], 0 .. 15;

# build a matrix of comparison results
my @res;
for my $i ( 0 .. 15 ) {
for my $k ( 0 .. 15 ) {
my $vhdl = $mat_vhdl[ $i]->[ $k];
my $C = $mat_C[ $i]->[ $k];
$res[ $i]->[ $k] = abs( $vhdl - $C) < 0.001 ? 1 : 0;

# print it
print "@$_\n" for @res;


John W. Krahn

Ved said:
Hi all,
I have posted this message in perl.beginers,but didnt get any reply so
am posting here.

You have posted from Google Groups which has read-only access to the Perl
beginners mailing list. To post to the actual mailing list go to and subscribe.

I have two set of data which I need to comapre.
The data set is actually a 16x16 Matrix.

Till now I am reading one row at a time by manually changing the
@comp_vhdl0, @comp_vhdl1.... till @comp_vhdl15 and so on.
I want:
1) this to be done using some loop (or some other better method) and
then write it to a file in 16x16 matrix form.

use constant ROW_LEN => 16;

my @comp_vhdl = map [ splice @VHDL, 0, ROW_LEN ], 0 .. $#VHDL / ROW_LEN;

my @comp = map [ splice @C_based, 0, ROW_LEN ], 0 .. $#C_based / ROW_LEN;

print "The VHDL items are:\n";
printf '%20f' x ROW_LEN, @$_ for @comp_vhdl;

print "The C items are:\n";
printf '%20f' x ROW_LEN, @$_ for @comp;

2) After that I want to compare the corresponding values and write the
results in a Marix form( say 1 if match occurs and 0 when mismatch). So
result looks like this

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

print "Comparison:\n";
for my $index ( 0 .. $#comp ) {
print join ' ', map $comp_vhdl[ $index ][ $_ ] == $comp[ $index ][ $_ ] ?
1 : 0, 0 .. $#{ $comp[ $index ] };



Thanks to All of you.
You have provided me what I exactly needed. I am becoming more
confident in using PERL.

Thanks again

Ved said:
Hi all,
I have posted this message in perl.beginers,but didnt get any reply so
am posting here.

You have posted from Google Groups which has read-only access to the Perl
beginners mailing list. To post to the actual mailing list go to and subscribe.

I have two set of data which I need to comapre.
The data set is actually a 16x16 Matrix.

Till now I am reading one row at a time by manually changing the
@comp_vhdl0, @comp_vhdl1.... till @comp_vhdl15 and so on.
I want:
1) this to be done using some loop (or some other better method) and
then write it to a file in 16x16 matrix form.

use constant ROW_LEN => 16;

my @comp_vhdl = map [ splice @VHDL, 0, ROW_LEN ], 0 .. $#VHDL / ROW_LEN;

my @comp = map [ splice @C_based, 0, ROW_LEN ], 0 .. $#C_based / ROW_LEN;

print "The VHDL items are:\n";
printf '%20f' x ROW_LEN, @$_ for @comp_vhdl;

print "The C items are:\n";
printf '%20f' x ROW_LEN, @$_ for @comp;

2) After that I want to compare the corresponding values and write the
results in a Marix form( say 1 if match occurs and 0 when mismatch). So
result looks like this

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

print "Comparison:\n";
for my $index ( 0 .. $#comp ) {
print join ' ', map $comp_vhdl[ $index ][ $_ ] == $comp[ $index ][ $_ ] ?
1 : 0, 0 .. $#{ $comp[ $index ] };



Thanks to All of you.
You have provided me what I exactly needed. I am becoming more
confident in using PERL.

Thanks again

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