Ardhendu Nandan

I am trying to compile Gcc compiler in Windows O/S.I have downloaded
entire source Code of this compiler at tries to run it in DEVCPP but I
am gating some linker error and some header files missing error.
Anyone please tell me how to run GCC compiler in Windows m/c and Linux

Tim Prince

Ardhendu Nandan said:
I am trying to compile Gcc compiler in Windows O/S.I have downloaded
entire source Code of this compiler at tries to run it in DEVCPP but I
am gating some linker error and some header files missing error.
Anyone please tell me how to run GCC compiler in Windows m/c and Linux
Since you've used google, you could spend weeks browsing material on these
questions. Why don't you start with one of the main web pages, some useful
search terms being gcc, cygwin, mingw.

Ardhendu Nandan

Since you've used google, you could spend weeks browsing material on these
questions. Why don't you start with one of the main web pages, some useful
search terms being gcc, cygwin, mingw.

I need more information
thias topic.I have all the file but still i am gaiting some error.Is
it possible to run a gcc compiler in windows environment if possible
then please
tell me how?

Christopher Benson-Manica

Ardhendu Nandan said:
thias topic.I have all the file but still i am gaiting some error.Is
it possible to run a gcc compiler in windows environment if possible
then please

Had you taken Tim's advice and looked at Cygwin, you'd have learned
that it is an easy way to run GCC in a Windows environment. The rest is left as an exercise to the reader.

Ardhendu Nandan

Had you taken Tim's advice and looked at Cygwin, you'd have learned
OTOH, Cygwin is unmatched for the richness of Unix goodies it brings to a
Windows platform.
Already I have downloaded Cygwin Gcc Software, It’s working properly
but I need to compile Gcc compiler source code in Windows Environment.
Can I compile it in Cygwin Gcc compiler, If can please tell me how?
Actually I want to compile and run it in windows and Linux environment.
For this reason I have to run the entire source code first.

Ben Pfaff

Already I have downloaded Cygwin Gcc Software, It’s working properly
but I need to compile Gcc compiler source code in Windows Environment.
Can I compile it in Cygwin Gcc compiler, If can please tell me how?
Actually I want to compile and run it in windows and Linux environment.
For this reason I have to run the entire source code first.

Your question is outside the domain of comp.lang.c, which discusses
only the standard C programming language, including the standard C
library. This is a remarkably narrow topic compared to what many
people expect.

For your convenience, the list below contains topics that are not
on-topic for comp.lang.c, and suggests newsgroups for you to explore
if you have questions about these topics. Please do observe proper
netiquette before posting to any of these newsgroups. In particular,
you should read the group's charter and FAQ, if any (FAQs are
available from and other sources). If those fail to
answer your question then you should browse through at least two weeks
of recent articles to make sure that your question has not already
been answered.

* OS-specific questions, such as how to clear the screen,
access the network, list the files in a directory, or read
"piped" output from a subprocess. These questions should be
directed to OS-specific newsgroups, such as, comp.unix.programmer, or

* Compiler-specific questions, such as installation issues and
locations of header files. Ask about these in
compiler-specific newsgroups, such as or Questions about writing
compilers are appropriate in comp.compilers.

* Processor-specific questions, such as questions about
assembly and machine code. x86 questions are appropriate in
comp.lang.asm.x86, embedded system processor questions may
be appropriate in comp.arch.embedded.

* ABI-specific questions, such as how to interface assembly
code to C. These questions are both processor- and
OS-specific and should typically be asked in OS-specific

* Algorithms, except questions about C implementations of
algorithms. "How do I implement algorithm X in C?" is not a
question about a C implementation of an algorithm, it is a
request for source code. Newsgroups comp.programming and
comp.theory may be appropriate.

* Making C interoperate with other languages. C has no
facilities for such interoperation. These questions should
be directed to system- or compiler-specific newsgroups. C++
has features for interoperating with C, so consider
comp.lang.c++ for such questions.

* The C standard, as opposed to standard C. Questions about
the C standard are best asked in comp.std.c.

* C++. Please do not post or cross-post questions about C++
to comp.lang.c. Ask C++ questions in C++ newsgroups, such
as comp.lang.c++ or comp.lang.c++.moderated.

* Test posts. Please test in a newsgroup meant for testing,
such as alt.test.

news.groups.questions is a good place to ask about the appropriate
newsgroup for a given topic.

Ardhendu Nandan

Sorry sir I think that this question is related to Compiler.
Anyway once again sorry to send wrong question to this group.

Rob Thorpe

Already I have downloaded Cygwin Gcc Software, It’s working properly
but I need to compile Gcc compiler source code in Windows Environment.
Can I compile it in Cygwin Gcc compiler, If can please tell me how?
Actually I want to compile and run it in windows and Linux environment.
For this reason I have to run the entire source code first.

Your message doesn't really make sense.

But you should certainly ask it on the cygwin mailing list. See

Dan Pop

In said:
Sorry sir I think that this question is related to Compiler.

So do we, and this is the problem: comp.lang.c doesn't normally deal with
compiler issues. The comp in the newsgroup name doesn't stand for


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