I have the following Perl code that displays the results of a call to
sar with parameters. This one calls from a specific file. I would
like to automate the file called by appending the 2 digit day of the
month to the end (ie. /var/adm/sa/sa05) I can get the date using a
unix command `date +%d` but it does not work in the script. Thanks in
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI;
my $query = CGI->new();
print $query->header( "text/html" ),
$query->start_html(-title => "My First CGI Script",
-bgcolor => "#ffffcc" ),
$query->h1( "AIX System System Activity Report" ),
$query->p( `date` ),
$query->p( `sar -ubcwyaqvmf /var/adm/sa/sa05`),
sar with parameters. This one calls from a specific file. I would
like to automate the file called by appending the 2 digit day of the
month to the end (ie. /var/adm/sa/sa05) I can get the date using a
unix command `date +%d` but it does not work in the script. Thanks in
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI;
my $query = CGI->new();
print $query->header( "text/html" ),
$query->start_html(-title => "My First CGI Script",
-bgcolor => "#ffffcc" ),
$query->h1( "AIX System System Activity Report" ),
$query->p( `date` ),
$query->p( `sar -ubcwyaqvmf /var/adm/sa/sa05`),