Help with form


Lee Steekvey

I have a website which isn't actually published on the internet, it is held
on a shared drive which approximately 600 employees have access to, they all
have IE5 but they do not have e mail access or access to external internet.

The site was set up using Frontpage, is it possible to have the results of a
form sent to folder on the shared drive, as the users have no internet
access I can't use a form handler or email.

Apologies if this seems a stupid question, I'm new to website design, any
help would be greatly appreciated.

Toby A Inkster

Lee said:
I have a website which isn't actually published on the internet, it is held
on a shared drive which approximately 600 employees have access to, they all
have IE5 but they do not have e mail access or access to external internet.

The site was set up using Frontpage, is it possible to have the results of a
form sent to folder on the shared drive, as the users have no internet
access I can't use a form handler or email.

Do you have a webserver? (Such as Apache or IIS?)

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