Ged Byrne
I'm working through "Programming Ruby - The Pragmatic
Programmer's Guide" and all has been joy and pleasure.
Now, however, I'm in difficulty.
From the IO chapter I'm running the following example:
require 'net/http'
h = Net::HTTP.new('www.pragmaticprogrammer.com', 80)
resp, data = h.get('/index.html', nil)
puts resp.message #I added this
puts data #And this
if resp.message == "OK"
#Spam assasin didn't like the Img tag in the re.
data.scan(/###/) { |x| puts x }
The result I'm getting is:
listimgs.rb:8: private method `scan' called for nil
The code should list the images on the pragprog home
Any idea whats going wrong, or how I can find out more
about whats going wrong.
I'm using 1.8.0-9
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Programmer's Guide" and all has been joy and pleasure.
Now, however, I'm in difficulty.
From the IO chapter I'm running the following example:
require 'net/http'
h = Net::HTTP.new('www.pragmaticprogrammer.com', 80)
resp, data = h.get('/index.html', nil)
puts resp.message #I added this
puts data #And this
if resp.message == "OK"
#Spam assasin didn't like the Img tag in the re.
data.scan(/###/) { |x| puts x }
The result I'm getting is:
listimgs.rb:8: private method `scan' called for nil
The code should list the images on the pragprog home
Any idea whats going wrong, or how I can find out more
about whats going wrong.
I'm using 1.8.0-9
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