help with Java imaging API


Philip Tucker

I'm implementing an active vision image analyzer using artificial
neural networks. By "active vision", I mean the neural net is able to
view an image and control vertical/horizontal movement, zoom, and
rotation to move about the image. The neural net has a certain
perspective defined by x,y coordinates, a zoom factor, and a rotation
angle, that determine the area of the image it is able to see. This
visible area - aka, it's "eye" - is much smaller than the entire
image. e.g., I might have a 500x500 image and a 10x10 eye. If the
eye is zoomed out, it can see a blurry version of the entire image.
If it is zoomed all the way in, it can see pixel-for-pixel a 10x10
area of the image.

My First Solution:
I'm using the Java imaging API to represent the original image
(sourceImage) and eye image (eyeImage) as BufferedImage objects. I
call eyeImage.getRGB() to get the image data I input to the neural
network. Given the original image and the location, zoom, and
rotation of the neural net viewer, I compute the eye image. I used
AffineTransform and AffineTransformOp to translate (i.e., move x,y),
scale, and rotate the image. Then, I called
BufferedImage.getSubImage() to crop the result and produce my eye

This all worked okay, except the scaling wasn't very satisfactory.
TYPE_BILINEAR was better than TYPE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR, but still lost
too much information when zooomed out. TYPE_BICUBIC was better, but
still not quite what I wanted.

My second solution:
Same as the first, except I use BufferedImage.getScaledInstance() with
SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING option instead of AffineTransform to do the
scaling. This gives me the kind of image I want, but since this
produces an Image instead of a BufferedImage, I have to write it to
eyeImage via Graphics2D. This gives me the result I want, but I'm
worried it's not very efficient.

In summary, my process to transform sourceImage into eyeImage is:

// translate
AffineTransform transform =
AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance( x, y );

// rotate
AffineTransform.getRotateInstance( theta, anchorX, anchorY ) );

// transform (translate, rotate)
AffineTransformOp transformOp = new AffineTransformOp(
transform, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR );
BufferedImage postTransform =
transformOp.filter( sourceImage, null );

// crop
BufferedImage postCrop =
postTransform.getSubimage( xStart, yStart, xSize, ySize );

// scale and update eyeImage
eyeImage = new BufferedImage(
eyeWidth, eyeHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g = eyeImage.createGraphics();
g.drawImage( postCrop.getScaledInstance( eyeHeight, eyeWidth,
Image.SCALE_AREA_AVERAGING ), 0, 0, null );

My question:
Is there a more efficient way of doing this? Every time the viewer
moves and I have to update eyeImage, I'm creating 7 new objects (2
AffineTransform, 1 AffineTransformOp, 3 BufferedImage, 1 Graphics2D),
performing 3 separate image transformations (transformOp.filter(),
postTransform.getSubimage(), postCrop.getScaledInstance()), and 1
image copy (g.drawImage()). It seems like there should be an easier

Thanks in advance for any help,

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