Help with Regex, Thanks in avance!
1. Validation of Name
Enable ALL keys on keyboard EXCEPT 0, 1, 2........., 9
Change to uppercase of 1st alphabet of every word and lowercase for
the rest of the word.
Example: aDa AdA 12DDD 12ddd dd12dd ¨¤ Ada Ada 12Ddd 12Ddd Dd12dd
a) If Name (0-2 characters) < 3 characters, excluding spacing and
b) If Any Part of Name has 4 or more consecutive A-Z/0-9 in ascending
or descending order, excluding case sensitivity. (e.g. 6789, 9876,
wxYz, zyXw, Test2345ing, 122abcdZ444)
c) If Name = 3 or more consecutive A-Z/0-9 in ascending or descending
order, excluding case sensitivity. (e.g. 678, 987, 6789, 9876, Wxy,
Yxw, wxYz, zyXw)
d) If Name = ALL recurring characters, excluding spacing,
punctuations and case sensitivity
(e.g. @@@, AaAaaA, 99999, EE EEE EEEE, eE E;e'E Ee#eE)
e) If Any Part of Name has 3 or more repeat sequence of 2 characters
excluding spacing and case sensitivity. (e.g. sasasa, dfdfdf,
MunununT, MunZUnuNT, a12e12p12, aAbATaBt edab, EaA GAa Raa)
ShowMessage: Please re-enter the Name again.
f) If Name at least 1 character = 0, 1, 2........., 9 (e.g. A9E, A99E,
A9E9, A9E-A99E, A9E-A99E)
ShowMessage: Only alphabets are allowed. Please re-enter the Name
f) If Name at least 1 character = Foreign Characters (non-English
characters) (e.g. °Ù¶È, aÁõbµÂ»ªc, ¥¤¥Ù¥ó¥È, ¥¤a¥Ùb¥óc¥È)
ShowMessage: Our system currently only supports English
characters. Only alphabets are allowed. Please re-enter the Name
2. Validation of Email Address
a) If Email Address = Empty
ShowMessage: Please enter your email address.
b) If Email Address Invalid format.
c) If Email Address = ALL recurring characters excluding punctuations
and case sensitivity.
(e.g. @@@@@.@@@, (e-mail address removed), [email protected])
ShowMessage: Please re-enter a valid email address again.
d) If Email Address at least 1 character = Foreign Characters (non-
English characters)
(e.g. °Ù¶È@aa¶Èss.com, aÁõµÂ»ª[email protected], ¥¤¥Ù¥ó¥È@aass.com, ¥¤a¥Ùb@a¥ó.com)
ShowMessage: Please re-enter a valid email address again.
E) If Your Email and Friend's Email Address is the same (e.g. Your
Email (e-mail address removed) and Friend's Email (e-mail address removed))
ShowMessage: Email must not be the same. Please re-enter a valid
email address again.
Help with Regex, Thanks in avance!
1. Validation of Name
Enable ALL keys on keyboard EXCEPT 0, 1, 2........., 9
Change to uppercase of 1st alphabet of every word and lowercase for
the rest of the word.
Example: aDa AdA 12DDD 12ddd dd12dd ¨¤ Ada Ada 12Ddd 12Ddd Dd12dd
a) If Name (0-2 characters) < 3 characters, excluding spacing and
b) If Any Part of Name has 4 or more consecutive A-Z/0-9 in ascending
or descending order, excluding case sensitivity. (e.g. 6789, 9876,
wxYz, zyXw, Test2345ing, 122abcdZ444)
c) If Name = 3 or more consecutive A-Z/0-9 in ascending or descending
order, excluding case sensitivity. (e.g. 678, 987, 6789, 9876, Wxy,
Yxw, wxYz, zyXw)
d) If Name = ALL recurring characters, excluding spacing,
punctuations and case sensitivity
(e.g. @@@, AaAaaA, 99999, EE EEE EEEE, eE E;e'E Ee#eE)
e) If Any Part of Name has 3 or more repeat sequence of 2 characters
excluding spacing and case sensitivity. (e.g. sasasa, dfdfdf,
MunununT, MunZUnuNT, a12e12p12, aAbATaBt edab, EaA GAa Raa)
ShowMessage: Please re-enter the Name again.
f) If Name at least 1 character = 0, 1, 2........., 9 (e.g. A9E, A99E,
A9E9, A9E-A99E, A9E-A99E)
ShowMessage: Only alphabets are allowed. Please re-enter the Name
f) If Name at least 1 character = Foreign Characters (non-English
characters) (e.g. °Ù¶È, aÁõbµÂ»ªc, ¥¤¥Ù¥ó¥È, ¥¤a¥Ùb¥óc¥È)
ShowMessage: Our system currently only supports English
characters. Only alphabets are allowed. Please re-enter the Name
2. Validation of Email Address
a) If Email Address = Empty
ShowMessage: Please enter your email address.
b) If Email Address Invalid format.
c) If Email Address = ALL recurring characters excluding punctuations
and case sensitivity.
(e.g. @@@@@.@@@, (e-mail address removed), [email protected])
ShowMessage: Please re-enter a valid email address again.
d) If Email Address at least 1 character = Foreign Characters (non-
English characters)
(e.g. °Ù¶È@aa¶Èss.com, aÁõµÂ»ª[email protected], ¥¤¥Ù¥ó¥È@aass.com, ¥¤a¥Ùb@a¥ó.com)
ShowMessage: Please re-enter a valid email address again.
E) If Your Email and Friend's Email Address is the same (e.g. Your
Email (e-mail address removed) and Friend's Email (e-mail address removed))
ShowMessage: Email must not be the same. Please re-enter a valid
email address again.