help with the project



hi all...i m a software engg. student completed my 2nd yr...i have been
asked to make a project during these summer vacations...and hereby i
would like to invite some ideas bout the design and implementation of
an APPLICATION MONITORING SYSTEM....i have to start from scrach so
please tell me how to go bout it rite from the beggining this is the
first time i m making a project of this complexity...
i have to make a system used by the IT department of a company which
contains 31 applications and their details which are being used in a
company ...the details are...
Application sub application catagory platform language version IT
owner functional owner remarks source code documentation last updated
i want to design a system such that it lets the it employee enter the
name of the application and gives him all the details about it...please
suggest an appropriate design and the language which you think would be
best to i have enouf time with me and i can learn a new
language as well...i currently know c and c++...your advise is welcomed


Aditi said:
hi all...i m a software engg. student completed my 2nd yr...i have been
asked to make a project during these summer vacations...and hereby i
would like to invite some ideas bout the design and implementation of
an APPLICATION MONITORING SYSTEM....i have to start from scrach so
please tell me how to go bout it rite from the beggining this is the
first time i m making a project of this complexity...
i have to make a system used by the IT department of a company which
contains 31 applications and their details which are being used in a
company ...the details are...
Application sub application catagory platform language version IT
owner functional owner remarks source code documentation last updated
i want to design a system such that it lets the it employee enter the
name of the application and gives him all the details about it...please
suggest an appropriate design and the language which you think would be
best to i have enouf time with me and i can learn a new
language as well...i currently know c and c++...your advise is welcomed

You're not going to like this response...

I sure hope that company doesn't see this post! Aside from the poor English
(esp. the lack of puncuation and capitalization), it would hardly give them
confidence in your ability to do the work, would it?

Have you gathered all the details about those, umm, "details" you mention?
You know, things like, what are the data types, what are the sizes of the
fields, where will you get the data from, how do they want it presented,
what operating system(s) does it ned to run under, etc.?

After 2 years of study, you should be able to design a program that lets a
user enter a string and then show them some information. That's trivial.
What part are you having trouble with? Have you even tried to work on this

I'd suggest you first get the *complete* requirements, including exactly
what they expect from the program and exactly what the data is and where it
will come from. Then you can work on designing something that will meet
those requirements.

Then come back here when you have a C++ _language_ issue, which is what is
duscussed on this forum.



Thanks for ur effort...
And I apologise for being sloppy in writing.
Well I agree the whole project sounds fictitious because it has been
assigned to me in that spirit. The project was explained to me in
just 5 minutes flat and so these are the only details I have. The
reason why I posted this mail was to invite ideas as to how could I
make the best use of these details and suggestions because I myself
found these details way too less. I think I should have written about
this in the first mail to avoid frustration to the people who are
trying to help.
Anyways now that it is known that the project has been assigned to me
just for the heck of it would like to make my project such that they
want to use it...I would definately not let my work go wasted...So do
let me know what you think could be done in this direction.

Default User

Aditi said:
Thanks for ur effort...
And I apologise for being sloppy in writing.

Please quote a relevant portion of the previous message when replying.
To do so from the Google interface, don't use the Reply at the bottom
of the message. Instead, click "show options" and use the Reply shown
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