Klaus said:
Since this is a newsgroup read also by people not so familiar with
english slang, could you please constraint yourself to be be not so
cool and use a readable language?
In the case you are using abbreviations since you are so busy because of
your homework, I will apologize sincerly.
This is a reasonable request.
Although these 'SMS' abbreviations make the message easier to write for
the sender, they make it much more difficult to read, even for those of
us who have English as our native language (It took a while for me to
work out what 'any1' means, you really have to read it out aloud, or
need to be a teenager.)
It seems to me that when a people are asking for help from a Newsgroup,
it is a good idea for them to make a little extra effort to write their
request in clear, easily-read language, and also a good idea for them to
run the spell checker over the message before sending it. Anything less
than this seems a little discourteous, and is effectively saying "I want
your help, but you can make an extra effort to de-cipher my message,
because my time is more valuable than yours."
I realise the sender probably does not think this way, but,
unfortunately, that is the way it may appear.