what is scripting language?We can create websites by using HTML. But
we are using scripting language with HTML to create forms and
websites.Advantage of using scripting language instead of HTML?
In relation to web sites, a scripting language is just a computing
language that often does many things that html does not do. Thus the
main reason for using it is to extend what we can do on the web. For
example, html does not do math, but many scripting languages do. Thus
we may use a scripting language such as javascript along with html to
calculate total charges for goods, tax, etc for an order online. There
are many languages that may be used to extend what html will do.
Javascript that works on the viewing browser is perhaps the most
common. However many other languages often are used on the server. A
common one is php, but even c++ and other languages can be used when
needed. One advantage of many server side languages is that they can
not be turned off by a viewing browser as can javascript. For more
information about javascript, the FAQ for this group are a good
starting point. For more information about php, there is a Usenet
group concerning php. For detailed information, there are many books
concerning these languages, and the various groups concerned with the
languages and their FAQs can help you select one.