Here's a doosey


David C. Holley

I'm about to massively rework how my site handles links. The concept
behind the site is to provide a wide-collection of links related to
attractions in and around Orlando as well as other sites of interest. I
am REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wanting to provide an option where
descriptions of the sites are displayed. I would like to know is wether
or not there is a way for an ASP page to read the METTA tags on another
page and retrieve the value. Given the total number of links involved, I
want to come up with a way where an ASP script reaches out to the
various links and captures the description of the site. If it looks like
a spider, acts like a spider and makes girls screem like they've seen a
spider, then maybe, just maybe it is a spider.


Dim strMetaData
Set LP = New LinkParser
'Pass a url to the object
LP.Process ""
strMetaData = LP.GetMetaData()
Set LP = Nothing

Class LinkParser
Private mstrResult

Public Function GetMetaData()
'Parse meta data here with some reg ex.
End Function

Public Function Process(strUrl)
If Len(strUrl) > 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
Set XmlHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "GET",strUrl, false
mstrResult = lCase(Trim(XmlHttp.ResponseText))
Set XmlHttp = Nothing
End If
End Function
End Class


Discerning resolutions for the alms

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