G'day All,
Just thought I'd drop in and say hi. I'm new to Python, but old to software
Python is one of the languages used in my new job, so I've just bought a
book, read it, and downloaded Python; It's pretty good isn't it? It's
particularly handy being able top run the same bytecode on different
I found a link to this newsgroup, downloaded 1000 messages, and have only
put one user in my twit filter so hopefully it'll be a good resource!
I must admit to much confusion regarding some of the basics, but I'm sure
time, reading, and good advice will get rid of that. at this stage, it's
just working through some examples and getting my head around things. As an
example, if I create a window, I've been unable to force it to be a certain
size, and put a button (widget) at (say) 20,40 (x & y). Is window formatting
Thanks and I'm sure to be reading your posts soon.
Just thought I'd drop in and say hi. I'm new to Python, but old to software
Python is one of the languages used in my new job, so I've just bought a
book, read it, and downloaded Python; It's pretty good isn't it? It's
particularly handy being able top run the same bytecode on different
I found a link to this newsgroup, downloaded 1000 messages, and have only
put one user in my twit filter so hopefully it'll be a good resource!
I must admit to much confusion regarding some of the basics, but I'm sure
time, reading, and good advice will get rid of that. at this stage, it's
just working through some examples and getting my head around things. As an
example, if I create a window, I've been unable to force it to be a certain
size, and put a button (widget) at (say) 20,40 (x & y). Is window formatting
Thanks and I'm sure to be reading your posts soon.