Alf said:
My name is melanie.
Whats the difference between print and cott?
Please answer me .
Melanie, you have posted to a discussion group concerned only with
programming in the language C++.
This reply is crossposted to [news.newusers.questions], where it may
happen that someone knows about the difference between print and cott,
or at least can direct you further.
I think it pretty safe to gather that the OP wants to know the
difference between cout and printf and happens to be less than
proficient at typing and/or speaking english; they obviously do not
reside in an english speaking country and probably use korean natively,
which uses a completely different keyboard mapping and grammatical
structure. IMHO it is pretty heavy handed to attempt changing the
destination of the thread by cross-posting and altering the follow-up
(which I have fixed but I almost posted to the wrong group, thanks).
Making an effort to post in the groups language when it is not your own
is not something we should be discouraging by being rude and rediqulous
(sp?); and for that matter they didn't do THAT bad....multi-posting aside.
To answer this question simply, one is the "C" way and one the "C++"
way. In C++ you can use either but cout is safer and more readable in
many cases. printf has no type safety at all and the format string is
not easily learned. cout on the other hand is more strongly typed and
does not require the use of convoluted format strings.