Hi, I need to create a HMAC in Python just the way the following Javascript code does:
var credentials = "admin:amin";
var shaObj = new jsSHA(credentials, "ASCII");
var hash = shaObj.getHMAC(key, "HEX", "HEX");
in this case the hash is: 8347ce7126c1068aa183fbfdafe2c17a9cc86734
This javascript library can be tested here: http://caligatio.github.io/jsSHA/
So I'm trying to do the same in Python by:
credentials = "admin:admin"
hash = hmac.new(key, credentials, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
which gives me hash= 2c7e849a0eaa8cd0cc1120f6f156913755b674b6
Something's is wrong obviously. Maybe it has probably something to do with the encoding of the key or credentials but I'm lost on this.
I tried to convert key to hex using the following function
def toHex(s):
lst = []
for ch in s:
hv = hex(ord(ch)).replace('0x', '')
if len(hv) == 1:
hv = '0'+hv
return reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, lst)
But this didn't work either.
Any help would be appreciated!
var credentials = "admin:amin";
var shaObj = new jsSHA(credentials, "ASCII");
var hash = shaObj.getHMAC(key, "HEX", "HEX");
in this case the hash is: 8347ce7126c1068aa183fbfdafe2c17a9cc86734
This javascript library can be tested here: http://caligatio.github.io/jsSHA/
So I'm trying to do the same in Python by:
credentials = "admin:admin"
hash = hmac.new(key, credentials, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
which gives me hash= 2c7e849a0eaa8cd0cc1120f6f156913755b674b6
Something's is wrong obviously. Maybe it has probably something to do with the encoding of the key or credentials but I'm lost on this.
I tried to convert key to hex using the following function
def toHex(s):
lst = []
for ch in s:
hv = hex(ord(ch)).replace('0x', '')
if len(hv) == 1:
hv = '0'+hv
return reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, lst)
But this didn't work either.
Any help would be appreciated!