How can I get the firefox version?



How can I get the firefox version?, with prior version 2.0 my site
looks fine but with new version 3.0 my site changes and need to modify
my scripts to works fine for all versions.
Many thanks and regards.

Michael Fesser

How can I get the firefox version?, with prior version 2.0 my site
looks fine but with new version 3.0 my site changes and need to modify
my scripts to works fine for all versions.

And what about FF 4? 5? Other browsers?

Browser sniffing is _never_ a solution. Instead you should figure out
what's going wrong. It's most likely a problem in your code, not in the




And what about FF 4? 5? Other browsers?

Browser sniffing is _never_ a solution. Instead you should figure out
what's going wrong. It's most likely a problem in your code, not in the


I use method and then window.resizeTo on body onload to
resize the window according table clientHeight, but FF 3.0 shows an
new url bar that doesn't exits in prior versions.

Gregor Kofler

juande meinte:
I use method and then window.resizeTo on body onload to
resize the window according table clientHeight, but FF 3.0 shows an
new url bar that doesn't exits in prior versions.

Yes, that's the default behaviour of FF3 (and perhaps others to come).
Just don't do any annoying window popups. I don't like popups at all,
but I *hate(d)* popups I can't resize or modify freely.


Bart Van der Donck

I use method and then window.resizeTo on body onload to
resize the window according table clientHeight, but FF 3.0 shows an
new url bar that doesn't exits in prior versions.

But surfers might also use the Google Toolbar, have their own
preferences which buttons they want to use, use any of the FireFox
extensions that affect those bars, have other plugins installed, etc.
Different languages, versions, OS, system config etc can also easily
affect the client's height. Do yourself a favour and don't use such
mess :)


juande said:
I use method and then window.resizeTo on body onload to
resize the window according table clientHeight, but FF 3.0 shows an
new url bar that doesn't exits in prior versions.

Are you even sure that you know how to solve it ? I'd worry about
finding a solution to your problem before figuring out how you'll handle
the logic to decide if you're going to use it. You may well find that
whatever you do in the new code, also works in all the old browsers too.
Or in other words, you may have been doing it wrong all this time and
the older browsers tolerated it, but the newer ones don't.

It's not recommended here, but a commonly used approach is to look in
the useragent string for something unique to the browser. For example:

var u=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var ff3=u.indexOf("firefox/3")>-1;


But surfers might also use the Google Toolbar, have their own
preferences which buttons they want to use, use any of the FireFox
extensions that affect those bars, have other plugins installed, etc.
Different languages, versions, OS, system config etc can also easily
affect the client's height. Do yourself a favour and don't use such
mess :)

I totally agree, but with, '', 'top=10, left=10,
width=780, height=460, resizable=0, menubar=0, toolbar=0, location=0,
scrollbars=0, status=no'), all toolbars, plugins, custom bars doesn't
appears, only this new bar in FF3 and IE7.

Michael Fesser

I use method and then window.resizeTo on body onload to
resize the window according table clientHeight, but FF 3.0 shows an
new url bar that doesn't exits in prior versions.

You have to live with such differences.

Many of these user-unfriendly modifications to JS-created windows won't
work at all anymore in modern browsers. Even FF 2 had ways to prevent
many of these annoyances, other browsers like Opera might always show
such popups as normal tabs with all the default chrome and so on.

You shouldn't mess with that, because finally the user and only the user
decides how to view a website, never the author. There are things you
simply can't control. Don't waste your time with these, but focus on
usability, accessibility and useful content instead.


Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

juande said:
I totally agree, but with, '', 'top=10, left=10,
width=780, height=460, resizable=0, menubar=0, toolbar=0, location=0,
scrollbars=0, status=no'),

The features string must not contain whitespace.
all toolbars, plugins, custom bars doesn't appears, only this new bar
in FF3 and IE7.

As discussed before(!), it is a security precaution, and you better hope it
cannot be circumvented.



I use method and then window.resizeTo on body onload to
resize the window according table clientHeight, but FF 3.0 shows an
new url bar that doesn't exits in prior versions.

Use window.innerWidth/innerHeight after the window.resizeTo() in order
to tell what's the real real state available for your page.


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