How can I obtain a list of available server objects WITHOUT Admin?


Tony Archer

I am trying to build a site for a group which already has a hosting company.

I would like to try to find out which objects are available for use to me.
I do not have admin access to the NT box. Obviously I have permissions in
my area of the server.

I know I can test for specific objects but I'd like to know what is
available, not just what I can test against. Is this even possible?

The server is running Server 2000.

Here is the manual code I'm using (which works fine):

lstrProgIDs = _
"CDONTS.NewMail: Collaborative Data Objects For NT;" & _
"SMTPsvg.Mailer: Server Objects - ASPMail/ASPQMail" & _
"POPsvb.Mailer: Server Objects - ASP Pop3;" & _
"SoftArtisans.SMTPMail: Software Artisans - SMTP Mail;" & _
"Jmail.smtpmail: w3 JMail;" & _
"Persists.MailSender: Persists - ASPEmail;" & _
"dkQmail.Qmail: dkQmail;" & _
"Geocel.Mailer: GeoCel;" & _
"iismail.iismail.1: IISMail;" & _
"SmtpMail.SmtpMail.1: SMTP;" & _
"ocxQmail.ocxQmailCtrl.1: OCXQMail;" & _
"Dundas.Mailer: Dundas - ASPMailer;" & _
"EasyMail.SMTP.5: Quicksoft - EasyMail;"
lstrProgIDs = lstrProgIDs & _
"Scripting.FileSystemObject: File System Object;" & _
"AspImage.Image: Server Objects - ASP Image;" & _

lstrProgIDAry = Split(lstrProgIDs, ";")

llngMaxIndex = UBound(lstrProgIDAry)
on error resume next
For llngIndex = 0 To llngMaxIndex
lstrPairAry = Split(lstrProgIDAry(llngIndex), ":")
Set lobjTest = Server.CreateObject(lstrPairAry(0))
if Err.number<>0 Then
lstrInstalled = lstrInstalled & "<b>" &
replace(lstrProgIDAry(llngIndex),":","</b>:") & "<br>"
End if

if Right(lstrInstalled, 1) = ";" Then
lstrInstalled = Left(lstrInstalled, Len(lstrInstalled) - 1)
End if

'Installed = lstrInstalled
on error goto 0

Aaron Bertrand [MVP]

I know I can test for specific objects but I'd like to know what is
available, not just what I can test against. Is this even possible?

No, the technique you are using is about the best you can do. There is no
central repository of ProgIDs that belong exclusively to COM objects that
are available from ASP...

However, PerfHound ( can provide you with a much more
comprehensive list than the one you're currently using.

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