Tony Archer
I am trying to build a site for a group which already has a hosting company.
I would like to try to find out which objects are available for use to me.
I do not have admin access to the NT box. Obviously I have permissions in
my area of the server.
I know I can test for specific objects but I'd like to know what is
available, not just what I can test against. Is this even possible?
The server is running Server 2000.
Here is the manual code I'm using (which works fine):
lstrProgIDs = _
"CDONTS.NewMail: Collaborative Data Objects For NT;" & _
"SMTPsvg.Mailer: Server Objects - ASPMail/ASPQMail" & _
"POPsvb.Mailer: Server Objects - ASP Pop3;" & _
"SoftArtisans.SMTPMail: Software Artisans - SMTP Mail;" & _
"Jmail.smtpmail: w3 JMail;" & _
"Persists.MailSender: Persists - ASPEmail;" & _
"dkQmail.Qmail: dkQmail;" & _
"Geocel.Mailer: GeoCel;" & _
"iismail.iismail.1: IISMail;" & _
"SmtpMail.SmtpMail.1: SMTP;" & _
"ocxQmail.ocxQmailCtrl.1: OCXQMail;" & _
"Dundas.Mailer: Dundas - ASPMailer;" & _
"EasyMail.SMTP.5: Quicksoft - EasyMail;"
lstrProgIDs = lstrProgIDs & _
"Scripting.FileSystemObject: File System Object;" & _
"AspImage.Image: Server Objects - ASP Image;" & _
lstrProgIDAry = Split(lstrProgIDs, ";")
llngMaxIndex = UBound(lstrProgIDAry)
on error resume next
For llngIndex = 0 To llngMaxIndex
lstrPairAry = Split(lstrProgIDAry(llngIndex), ":")
Set lobjTest = Server.CreateObject(lstrPairAry(0))
if Err.number<>0 Then
lstrInstalled = lstrInstalled & "<b>" &
replace(lstrProgIDAry(llngIndex),":","</b>:") & "<br>"
End if
if Right(lstrInstalled, 1) = ";" Then
lstrInstalled = Left(lstrInstalled, Len(lstrInstalled) - 1)
End if
'Installed = lstrInstalled
on error goto 0
I would like to try to find out which objects are available for use to me.
I do not have admin access to the NT box. Obviously I have permissions in
my area of the server.
I know I can test for specific objects but I'd like to know what is
available, not just what I can test against. Is this even possible?
The server is running Server 2000.
Here is the manual code I'm using (which works fine):
lstrProgIDs = _
"CDONTS.NewMail: Collaborative Data Objects For NT;" & _
"SMTPsvg.Mailer: Server Objects - ASPMail/ASPQMail" & _
"POPsvb.Mailer: Server Objects - ASP Pop3;" & _
"SoftArtisans.SMTPMail: Software Artisans - SMTP Mail;" & _
"Jmail.smtpmail: w3 JMail;" & _
"Persists.MailSender: Persists - ASPEmail;" & _
"dkQmail.Qmail: dkQmail;" & _
"Geocel.Mailer: GeoCel;" & _
"iismail.iismail.1: IISMail;" & _
"SmtpMail.SmtpMail.1: SMTP;" & _
"ocxQmail.ocxQmailCtrl.1: OCXQMail;" & _
"Dundas.Mailer: Dundas - ASPMailer;" & _
"EasyMail.SMTP.5: Quicksoft - EasyMail;"
lstrProgIDs = lstrProgIDs & _
"Scripting.FileSystemObject: File System Object;" & _
"AspImage.Image: Server Objects - ASP Image;" & _
lstrProgIDAry = Split(lstrProgIDs, ";")
llngMaxIndex = UBound(lstrProgIDAry)
on error resume next
For llngIndex = 0 To llngMaxIndex
lstrPairAry = Split(lstrProgIDAry(llngIndex), ":")
Set lobjTest = Server.CreateObject(lstrPairAry(0))
if Err.number<>0 Then
lstrInstalled = lstrInstalled & "<b>" &
replace(lstrProgIDAry(llngIndex),":","</b>:") & "<br>"
End if
if Right(lstrInstalled, 1) = ";" Then
lstrInstalled = Left(lstrInstalled, Len(lstrInstalled) - 1)
End if
'Installed = lstrInstalled
on error goto 0