However John I still fail to see why you were happy with "eval" why
would you need it?
If you feel the need for eval in this context it is for 99% wrong,
maybe we can help you better if you describe a little bit more of your
Maybe all you need are objects with a name property and maybe it would
be best to use a different name (see how the two levels that
designation can be used might become *very* confusing) like e.g.
how_I_call_this_object (that is an extreme example of course).
Well, exactly all I want to do is to be able to take a set of
objects, and then list them by the name or reference (the one used in
program code) then list them and their contents. I don't really need
to do it. I just was kind of wondering if it was really possible or
practical, but it seems to not be.
example would be:
class Person
attr_accessor :name
some other attributes ...
p1 = = "Mickey Mouse"
So I'd like to generate a list like so:
p1 Mickey Mouse, attribute, attribute, ...
p2 attribute, attribute, ...
maybe it's not necessary to do this. I want the instance's name (like
p1 here) to be accessible and manipulatable like an attribute as well.